Weird emotions

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Luna's pov

The two pink hearts on my cheeks glowed as Nightmare came into the Cafe.He had walked over to the counter.his hair had covered a little bit of his eye.(He still a animatronic just with clothes. okie)"Um, are you just gonna stare at me or..?"Nightmare asked as he raised an eyebrow. "Sorry.."I got lost looking at your stupidly cute face..I thought. Nightmare smiled at me."So,um Gold told me to ask ya if ya wanted to come over.."He said as a little blush came onto his face.My hearts glowed bright now which made me scream internally inside."Y-yea if my boss lets me off work early.."I said. "Cool..seeya!"Nightmare said walking out the cafe.

"I wish Blu was here.."I mumbled.I heard some girl with blue and yellow hair and bear ears she was a with two stars on her cheeks and a cat sitting infront of her, he had purple hair.I walked over to them and took their orders served them and found out the girl with the stars on her cheeks, was Goldie's friend from middle school and the cat was her boyfriend his name was Aaron but most people call him purple guy for a nickname.I looked at my phone to see that i had like 60 texts from Chica. Ever since that incident where i was trying to kill myself, she's been texting me more then usual.I smiled and texted her back.

Nightmare's pov

I just walked and saw Luna talking to two other people.I just stood outside leaning on my red Lamborghini.Then i saw  some random guy slap Luna's ass.I'll make sure he doesn't touch my senpai~ i'll just the my senpai from anyone that tries to take her away from me.  i thought as a insane grin crept onto my face.

Later at night..

I chuckled as i watched senpai go to her house in her uniform.Then i saw the guy from the cafe from earlier.I snuck up behind him and hit him with a baseball bat.I  dragged him over to my car and put him in the trunk and drove over to this old abandoned warehouse where i kill all my victims..I parked infront and threw him in.I pulled him over to this table and strapped him onto it."Wakey,Wakey~" i sang.I leaned over him and poked him with my knife.His eyes fluttered open."H-huh?"He looked around and tried to sit up."Who the hell's here?"He yelled.I chuckled and walked out the darkness holding my knife."So whats your name..?"I asked."C-Carter.."He said as his ears went down."Nice name.."I said.I grazed the knife against his shirt.I put the knife onto the table beside him and took out my claws.I ripped his shirt off with my claws.Then i grabbed the knife and poked his stomach.Then i laughed an insane laugh."Lets play a game."I said chuckling."W-what kind of game?"He stuttered."We'll play hide and seek..If you win you'll be spared and stay away from Luna which is the girl you touched earlier at the cafe..and if I win...."I stopped for a moment."A-and if you win..?"He asked.I laughed insanely."I GET YOUR SOUL!!"I yelled laughing insanely."Now..ill turn on the lights and you can go hide ill give 3 minutes to hide!"I said as i snapped.the  straps went away and he ran out .i turned the lights on and he ran i could hear him run and look for a place to hide.After those 3 minutes i walked slowly."Ding, dong i know you can hear me open up the door, i only wanna play a little~ ding dong you can't keep me waiting,its already to late for you go run away i see you through the window~our eyes are locked together~i can sense your horror~"I sang as i checked the bedrooms on the right side. I ran to the left side and checked the first bedroom.i could sense him he was in this room.I checked the closet....he was there.I laughed insanely."I found you~Time for your soul~"I sang as my knife transformed into a sythe. I killed him brutally i laughed when he fell to the ground."You were gonna die anyways~"I said to his dead body.I chuckled and changed my bloody clothes into a white shirt that said 'fuck you' holding up the middle finger.and some jeans. and put on my favorite red hoodie.I teleported to my car and wiped my face and drove to Gold's house.

Luna's pov

I was playing truth or dare with the others then i heard the door open.I turned to see that it was Nightmare-kun.He closed the door and sat beside me.

okie sowwies for ending it right there but....

FUCK YOU!!!!!Baii

alright guys pwease dont murder me in my sleep but um i gotta do a cliffhanger sowwies

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