chapter 1 beginings

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So welcome to my first story I adopted this story from Connor327 He said I could adopt it as the person who originally owned the story didn't update it or anything so let's get into this hope you like the story😀 also I'm writing this on mobile

"Ma'am, I don't know how, but your son has a quirk. And what happened at the school was due to it." "But boys don't get quirks, is he really the first." "Yes he is, and his quirk is completely different then normal ones. We called it Ghoul. He seems to have stolen the quirks of all the girls in his class. But we also found he can't eat normal food any more." "What can he eat then?" "Human flesh." _______________________________________ *Earlier* "I would pass the job applications out to you all, but I know all you girls want to become heros!" The teacher said while throwing all the papers into the air. "Now enough using your quirks in class, wouldn't want to harm any of the boys, now would we?" She said, not actually caring for their safety. "What would it matter teach? Not like the dekus can do anything with their life." Katsuka (femKatsuki) yelled. "Miss, may I go to the bathroom, I don't feel so well." Izuku said over the ruckus. "Oh, and the most useless of them all, Izuku. Can't handle the truth?" Izuku, who was currently clutching his left eye responded, "I honestly don't feel good Katsuka, I feel like my eye is on fire." He looked up at her, uncovering his eye. It had turned from his usual emerald green to a black sclera and red iris. "What the hell! Everyone back away!" The teacher finally saw his state. Izuku gave off a bloodcurdling scream and two deep red tentacles burst out of his back. He stopped screaming and, faster than the eye could see, had latched on to the teachers body and ripped out her throat. "What the fuck!" "Shit, run!" The tentacles started to pierce the bodies of all the girls while avoiding the boys. Izuku himself started going from body to body, eating parts of their bodies but not killing them. Until he got to Katsuka. "Step the fuck back Izuku." She started to produce sparks. "Hahaha. No, I will let you suffer. Suffer with the thought that you are not the strongest. That a male beat you." He then turned away. "And that the only reason you will stay strong is because he spared you." His voice returning to normal and the tentacles returning to his back. He then looked around and fainted. _______________________________________ "We don't know the reason, but it seems that when he consumes flesh, he gains the quirk of the person whose flesh was consumed." "They also said girls were found with gaping wounds in their bodies, was that him as well?" "Yes that is another part of his quirk. We call them his 'kagune.' He forms these two tentacle like appendages from his back. We found a new organ that creates these cells we called RC cells." "And what about the quirks of the children?" "The ones he bit, he stole the quirks of. The only casualty was the teacher, and we have been able to keep the press out of it." "What will become of my Izuku?" "We will put him under surveillance. Though if his wish to become a hero is still alive, we could arrange finding heroes to train him." "You would do that for him?" "He's the first male with a quirk, he will influence a new generation of change. He will be the next symbol of peace." _______________________________________ "Where am I? Last I remember I was in school." Izuku sat up groggily and looked around. "This looks like a hospital room." "Right you are young Midoriya" A blonde woman had entered the room. "And I was told to come train you!" "Who exactly are you?" The woman grew in size and muscle mass. "Well I'm All Mighf of course!" She said in her signature load voice. She shrunk back down to her regular form. "You see, I have two quirks, my strength enhancement and another that gives me a regular size form and my muscle form." (Using MatPat's theory here/\) "So you were sent here to train me, why?" "You're the first male to receive a quirk, so we want to train you to become my successor and the next symbol of peace." "Quirk? Wait, shit, no that wasn't a dream. Di...did I kill anyone?" "Sadly you killed your teacher and put almost all of the female students in critical condition. And the ones you bit were found quirkless with their quirks appearing in your DNA after consumption." "Can I still be a hero? I've harmed innocent people and stole their quirks." "I'm sure you can, and I will make sure you get into UA, I will be teaching there after all." _______________________________________ Izuku had been dismissed from the hospital and was currently walking to a beach to train with All Might. "So is there a limit to your muscle form?" "There is no time limit, but it's like holding your breath, it takes a bit out of you if you hold it for to long." "So how are we going to train my quirk. I apparently know how, since my rampage showed how adept I was." "We will train your body muscles then move on to combat. The doctors told me your quirk gives you super regeneration and no normal weapon can pierce your skin." "At the expense I can no longer eat normal food." "There is that, but we will cross that bridge when we get to it. You do have those pills the doctor gave you, right?" "The ones that curb my hunger, yeah. He also said he was making one that I could eat, like synthetic meat basically. I still don't like the idea of eating human flesh though." "A drawback yes, but if there are no drawbacks in combat, imagine your possibilities in any situation." "Well since we are here and I see a lot of garbage, I assume you want me to start by cleaning." "Without using your quirk unless it is to heal. Do as much as you can until sunset." _______________________________________ The sun had finally set and All Might had returned from hero work. "Oh my goodness, you cleaned more than I thought was possible in one day!" "Healing torn muscle fibers helps in working more, added to the already increased strength makes working out longer and easier." Izuku said sitting down for the first time that day. "Well if this took 1 day, what are you going to do for the ten months?" "Find things that I can or can't eat and or drink. Then find someplace secluded to try and control my kagune more." "Seems reasonable. Your doctor messaged me and said your food pills were ready." "Thanks, I will go pick those up and head home then, moms probably worried sick." ___________*Le_Timeskip*_____________ "The day of the exam, great. And I wouldn't be here without mom." Izuku said sadly as he walked into the auditorium, much to many of the girls disgust. "Does he really think he can get in?" "He will get crushed within moments." "I can hear all of you." Izuku turned towards the group of girls with his one eye activated. "And trust me, I've already gotten in through recommendations." "Yeahhhh! Whose ready for the exam!" All the girls in the room started fangirling over Present Mic. "So loud." "Now in the exam there are four different types of robots. Three of which give you points, and the other to serve as a roadblock! Any questions?" "Yes, why is there a boy here? I thought they weren't allowed because they are quirkless." "He's not quirkless and he could kill everyone in this room if he wanted." Katsuka spoke up. "Don't piss him off." Izuku looked at her. "Thank you." "Don't take it the wrong way, I just don't want you getting any stronger than you already are." _______________________________________ Izuku had arrived at the course and had started trying to control himself. 'Can't go berserk, not like that time. I am a hero, not a villan.' "You there, the boy from the assembly, the girl who stood up for you said you could kill us. Care to try?" A group of girls had approached Izuku. "I'm trying to become a hero. Killing you may be easy, but not heroic." "Still smug even without your girlfriend next to you. Can't wait to wipe that smile of your face." "She's not my girlfriend," Izuku activated his eye and brought out two of his kagune. "And I'm always going to smile no matter what." "Go!" Within a second, Izuku was out of the gate and in front of a pack of 7 one pointers. "Spread Shot." All four of his kagune came out of his back and pierced all the one pointers. Izuku continued deeper into the city. "Well hurry up, there are no countdowns in a real battle. _______________________________________ After a couple of minutes, Izuku had demolished most of the robotic forces and gained a score somewhere over 200. "I need to get a coffee after this, I'm thirsty." He said popping one of the synthetic pills. The city started to rumble and Izuku looked down from his perch to see most of the examiners running. He dropped down to see what they were running from, only to see the zero pointer coming this way. "Looks like I have to do most the work." Izuku rushed to meet the robot before it could move further down the street and endanger anyone else. He used is kagune to climb the robot to get to its head. "If I cram the head full of kagune, it should go down." He had all four of his kagune pierce the head from the sides and destroy everything that they could. He dropped down and ran while the robot started to tip. "And the exams over!" _______________________________________ 'I didn't lose control. Good, now walk away befor...' "You there, the boy. What are you?" Izuku turned to see the whole exam field behind him. "I'm a hero before anything else, but for the sins I have committed, I don't know if I could be considered one." Izuku started to walk off. "And please, don't get close, it will only hurt." With that he left to go get coffee.
__________________________ should izuku get one for all?



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