New Quirks

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        The schoolday started out as any other, Izuku sipping his ninth cup of coffee (My daily dose) while the girls all gossiped around him.
"All right class, suit up. We have a training exercise to go to."  The glass got on the bus and Izuku sat I  the back corner trying to take a nap.

  "Midoriya, I noticed you drink a lot of coffee, that much caffeine is bad for your system." Izuku looked up to see Iida, the apparent class representative since they voted without him.  "A man's gotta drink right? Water dosen't go well with me, and I don't think you would like to watch me eat. The coffee and pills hold me over until I get home."  "What do you eat, All Might didn't mention it yesterday when she explained your quirk." 

"Well..."  Aizawa looked back  concerned about how the girls may take the truth. "Girls, I don't think you should pry to much."  "Sensei, they need to know. One has already knows." He looked at Katsuka in shame. "My quirk is a unique mutation. I called it ghoul and it stuck. When mutated I was I  the middle of class, and I felt a sharp pain in my left eye, what later became known as my kakugan, or just red eye. That day was also my first rampage, my tentacles formed and anyone with a quirk was impaled, one spared and only one killed. In this state, I acted on instinct, and found the only food source, human flesh. As a side affect I gained their quirks and they where later deemed quirkless."  Izuku paused to see most they girls sick, afraid, or crying.

Katsuka had shed a couple tears, probably due to the memory. "I later woke up to find All Might, and she offered to train me. I surpassed her in a week. The pills I have allow me to curb the hunger for up to two weeks until I need to eat. A week after that and I have the potential of falling into instinct again."  " did you know that after three weeks you switch to ... no..."  "I found out the hard way, and I need to repent for my sin."  "All right class, let's try to put this aside and go train." Aizawa stepped out of the bus, a tear rolling down her cheek as she knows who he killed. She, after all, was close friends with her and Katsuka's mother.

"Hello girls and boy... today we will be having rescue training. Use your quirks as you see fit."  "Cool, they even have fake villains!" Yhe red haired girl yelled.  "Those aren't fake, step back." Aizawa started to slip her goggles up.  "Eraserhead, permission to join." Izuku stepped up next to her, his mask and eye on.  "Just don't kill or steal quirks."  "Most are just armed men. I see two females in the back, probably the ringleaders."  "Let's go."  Izuku started to walk down the steps and eyed all the men. "I must ask you guys to put the guns down, the won't have much affect anyway."  "What's a boy like you doing in the hero course? You should join us instead, we could give you a girl of your choice as well."  "You see that comment right there..." his tentacles came out, a deep crimson, pulsing at the same rate as his heartbeat, "is the reason why you are all going to die!" Izuku jumped into the fray, impaling the gunmen left and right until only the two females remained.  "Now, I suggest you open that fucking portal and leave."  "Kuro, bring Nomu."  "Yes Shiga." Another portal opened and a giant bird like creature stepped out. "Nomu, capture him and take him to Sensei."  The Nomu rushed Izuku, but stopped when it found three tentacles in its stomach. Izuku rushed forward and bit down on its neck, ripping the creatures throat out. 

"Three quirks shoved into a man's body. Seems like you two have some explaining."  "Kuro, warp us!" The two villains left as quickly as the whole ordeal started.  "Strength, regeneration and shock absorption. Would give All Might a run for her money."  "Midoriya, you all right?"  "I should be asking you that Aizawa, I'm bulletproof after all."  "Your too young to be so good." _________________________________________

"My mutation also made it so my skin can't be penetrated by regular weapons, only my own kagune, or my tentacles as you call them, can pierce my body."  "All this power and the side affect is you have to eat people."  "In short, yes."  "I think we have all questioned Izuku enough, but more importantly, you all need to prepare for the Sports Festival in two weeks, class dismissed." _________________________________________

"Sensei, we were stopped by a boy, but he had a quirk."  "Interesting, did the boy have green hair?"  "Yes sir."  "So my son became a hero with the quirk I gave him, interesting." _________________________________________ 

'Training, I can control my quirk well, but could be better. I need to focus on controlling my emotions more.' Izuku was currently sitting on Dagobah beach meditating.  "Young Midoriya, I have a request." Izuku sat up and motioned for her to proceed. "I am sure you remember me telling you how I have been weakening slowly over time, and I would like to ask if you would inherit my quirk."  "All Might, I need to focus on my own quirk."  "This could serve as a backboard for your quirk, and make it so you never strain either."  "Fine, what do I need to do."  All Might proceeded to pluck a strand of her hair, "Eat this!"
Thank you everyone who's been reading this story and I would like to know what the ship should be,
Well just vote on who you want to have izuku shipped with

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