First day

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'My first day at UA, and what do I get. A large ass door with 2 people yelling on the other side. Wonderful.' After learning of his acceptance into UA from All Might, with a score higher than hers, Izuku had prepared for school by meditating and controlling his appetite. He walked into class and immediately everybody stopped. "Look, I get it. No guy has ever been accepted into UA. I am the only male here and you are all about to go batshit crazy on me."  "How did you get in?"  "Don't go berserk again,"  "He's kinda cute."  "If your here to make friends, I suggest you pack up and leave now." Izuku looked at the door to see a woman standing there with a sleeping bag over her shoulder. "It took you 7 seconds to shut up. I will be your homeroom teacher for the year, my name is Shota Aizawa. Now put these on and meet me in the field. Izuku Midoriya, follow me."  "Yes ma'am."  "Now we don't exactly have preparations for you like a changing room."  "I am already wearing my workout gear under this, is it fine if I wear that instead."  "Certainly, now I will take you to the field."  "Now listen here. We will be doing a quirk apprehension test today. Bakugo, what was your furthest softball throw in middle school?"  "67 meters."  "Now try adding your quirk into the mix."  "Add a little heat to my pitch, and DIE!"  "705.2 meters. Good, these tests will allow me to gauge your potential as a hero, try your hardest or I will have to expel you."  "Now on to the next test, the 50 meter dash. First, Iida and Midoriya."  "Congratulations on getting in, but I think this is where your career ends."  "Go!"  "1.30 seconds!"  "3.04 seconds!"  "No way, he just beat her like it was nothing!"  "She's a speed type, and he still beat her, what is going on here, it's like he has a quirk?"  "Next up, Bakugo and Asui."  "Test 2, grip strength, take these machines and put whatever you got into it."  "No way, 540 kilos!"  "Just in my element I guess." A load pop was heard and all eyes went to Izuku who was currently holding a smoking machine.  "Guess like it broke. Aizawa, can I get a new one?"  "No, you will break it as well. On to the next test,standing long jump, Midoriya youre up first." Izuku walked up to the line. "40 meters!"  "Average was usually 26 meters. Has anyone seen a quirk used yet?"  "No, but I can't see this being pure skill alone."  A small group of girls had huddled together and Izuku had heard all of their conversation through the exam. 'Such a drag, I don't have enough caffeine in my bloodstream for this shit.'  "Midoriya, you alright?" Izuku looked up to see Aizawa.   "Yeah, just trying to keep in control of my quirk."  "Nezu did warn me of this, you have the pills right?"  "On me at all times."  "Since it's a mutation type, I can't cancel it, so it will be up to you to stop yourself."  "Understood."  "Ok, next test, repeated side steps." In this ne, Izuku was amazed to see one of the girls bounce of her hair. 'Strange quirk, but there could be some uses.'  "Next is the ball throw, Bakugo, you don't need to retake this one. Midoriya, you're up first." Izuku walked up to the circle and held the ball in his hand. He threw it, but still refrained from using his quirk. "604.5 meters."  Izuku stood on the side still hearing all the conversation about his quirk while watching one girl score an infinity on her throw. "Your not using it because your afraid of loosing control again aren't you." Izuku looked to his right to see Katsuka.  "Yeah, I have control over it mostly, but I haven't tried in a situation surrounded by people, just alone."  "Just be careful, I don't want to lose you to the cops or anything for mass murder. I guess I was blinded by how only females could have quirks that I never really paid attention to how much you basically worshipped me."  "Yeah, I did, didn't I. Your scared of how I can beat you now as well aren't you?"  "Perhaps, and I don't want to become quirkless. I want to be a hero with you. So don't lose control."  "Will do."  "Alright, that's all, here are the scores." Izuku looked to see that he had paced first with Yaoyorozu and Todoroki behind him with Katsuka placing fourth.  "Hey, Midoriya. Are you quirkless?" Izuku looked to see that his whole class was curious except Katsuka, Aizawa, and Iida who had seen his kagune.  "I have a quirk, but it's history is gruesome and I prefer not to share. It was hard enough hiding from the media. But I will tell you that my physical abilities are enhanced and I can heal any torn muscles almost immediately and no know weapon can pierce my skin."  "But guys can't have quirks."  "What history is there, sounds pretty normal."  "So it's only strength enhancement."  Iida looked at them. "There is more than just the strength, he has these two tentacles that come out of his back. He destroyed the zero pointer with them."  "They are called kagune, and they can pierce steel and myself." He started to walk away, "But I believe I must be going, we have a class soon right. And you have to change still."  _________________________________________  "I am coming through the door like a normal person!"  "No way, is that her silver age costume?"  "So retro!"  "We get to be taught by All Might!"  "Yes, and this is Hero 101. Today we will be doing battle training."  'Shit, I need to hold back then."  "But what is a hero without a costume!" All Might pressed a button and shelves came out of the wall. "So meet me at training ground beta when your ready!"  "All Might, where should I change?"  "Young Midoriya, follow me." Izuku followed her out of the class.  "Should I try to use my quirk or continue with just my body strength."  "Try to use your quirk, you have been placed alone to face against a team of three, so you will need any advantage you can get."  "Understood. Did they get my mask design?"  "Yes, and you already have the jumpsuit?"  "Correct."  "Then I guess we can just head to the field."   "Ok, the first match will be special we will have Midoriya, where is he?"  "Sorry, was trying to figure out my mask." Izuku walked out into the light so everyone could see him. He was wearing the same jumpsuit as earlier, but had a mask on, hiding one of his eyes as well as a hoodie and shorts.

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