Chapter 4: Bringing the Heat

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Chapter 4: Bringing the Heat

     Jett had pulled Kotori as fast as he could and for as long as he could, but he was running out of energy, so he stopped to fight. Amon's group had taken other benders by surprise, but they were expecting them. They came out of the fog and Kotori lifted both hands, sending two pillars up where they stood. They were tossed into the air screaming. More men charged and Kotori started firing rocks. Something was slug at her right arm, but by the time she saw it, it was too late. It latched to her wrist and pulled over her fingers, enclosing her hand in what looked like a metal glove, although it likely wasn't metal since they knew she was an earth bender.

     She pulled her left hand to her right, to see if she could pry the fingerless glove off, but another hoop emerged when her hand came close and it snapped around her other wrist, pulling the same glove like thing over her hand. "What kind of a contraption is this?!" Kotori shouted looking at her encased hands, limiting her bending. Men circled around her quickly, and then Jett came, throwing a punch here and a kick there. He had eliminated half the men temporarily. Kotori threw her leg into the air and spun with it lifted. Rocks rose all around her and she kicked, sending all the rocks flying into the men. "Woo hoo!" Kotori exclaimed throwing her enclosed hands in the air, feeling accomplished.

     After she had done this several times, a net was slung at her legs, tangling them. She couldn't kick, punch or walk, but she could still move, meaning she could still bend, to a limit, but she could. She leaned forward and then stood straight, throwing her hair foreword. A rock came from the ground and was thrown into the closest man to her. Jett was also quite busy with the men on him. But this was too much for Kotori. Soon she was on the ground and a one of the men was bending down to pick her up and load her onto their aircraft. Jett looked over and rage consumed him. He spun around and all the soldiers flew back, and Jett punched forward and the man bending over Kotori was knocked down by a blast of fire!

     "Jett? You're a fire bender?!" Kotori asked. Jett picked Kotori up and started running again. He got her legs untied, but he couldn't get those weird hand cuffs off. After gaining some ground, he set Kotori down and they prepared to fight again. The men came from the misty alley and as soon as they were in vision, Jett fired several lightning bolts and two men fell. "Woo hoo!!!! I knew I could do lightning!" Jett shouted excitedly. "Never done it before then?" Kotori asked, as she flung a rock across the alley with both arms together.

     Jett and Kotori relentlessly held them off as long as they could. "They just keep coming!" Jett said, pushing forward a huge amount of fire, almost as if a rocket were going off. He had to push forward with his legs as hard as he could to avoid throwing himself backward. When the fire was gone, Jett and Kotori split up, heading opposite directions. Kotori was still having issues with her hands, but was managing, and Jett was doing quite well, zapping people. Until a ring was shot towards him. It tightened onto his arm and it came over his left hand like a rounded metal cup just like Kotori's. He had seen how it worked and kept his hands separate.

     But this made his opponents’ job much easier, all they had to do was stick his hands together and his bending would be much more limited. He sent fire flaring with his remaining hand, but Amon's men were wearing armor, so they weren't being burned. But to burn them was not Jett's intention. Jett planned on overheating them. They got closer and closer, until they were almost on top of Jett. Jett used the anti-bending cuff to his advantage and punched their helmets with it. It was much harder than his fist.

     He finally got his distance again by throwing them out of his way, but as he was taking a breath, his wrists were pushed together from behind and he could feel a ring clipping around his wrist and the metal covering going over his other hand. One man had snuck behind him and forced his hands together. Jett kicked him back and he jumped as he pulled his hands under his legs, having his arms in front of him instead of behind. He fire bent with his legs, doing spin kicks and things like that until he was pinned to the ground. They tied his arms to his sides along with the metal gloves so he wouldn't be able to burn through the ropes.

     As his last resort, Jett fire bent through his mouth, but was re-tackled before he got anywhere with it. They strapped this metal thing to his face so he couldn't bend through his mouth, but he could still talk. "They’re just prepared for everything aren't they?" Jett thought. They literally dragged Jett around until the saw the ropes they had slid down from. They weren't risking him getting away. They tied him to the ropes and Jett started being hauled up. One thing they hadn't learned was that if a bender can move at all, they can bend. There was a rope around his chest and arms and one around his ankles. He wiggled around until fire flew from both feet, cutting both ropes! But tied up, he couldn't land. He fell seven or eight feet onto concrete! Luckily feet first but he couldn't catch himself. "Jett!" Kotori shrieked as she saw him fall, being dragged herself.

     He hit hard and was unconscious immediately. They re-tied him and Kotori watched as he was pulled into the air craft. They then tied Kotori and she was hauled up. They tied blind folds onto both of their faces, after pinning Kotori's head down because she squirmed so much. Unable to move or see, Kotori defaulted to listening. "Amon will be pleased that we caught two benders after intending to catch just one!" One guard bragged to another. "What's two compared to all the benders?" The other replied. Then Kotori was kicked, very hard. She screeched a high pitched shriek. All of the guards turned their attention to her then went back to work. Kotori started firing accusations when she was cut off, "Kotori? Is that you?" Kotori heard Jett's muffled voice ask. "Yeah." Kotori answered. "So you didn't get away?" Jett asked discouraged. "No." was all Kotori said.

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