A New Beginning A New Planet Earth

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It has been awhile since the 10 pods have landed but to where exactly?...we're going to find out...

Gohan opens his eyes slowly until he was awake. He woke up with a jolt he looked through the red glass to see what's outside until what he saw shocked him...

Gohan: H-How is this p-possible...

He open the pod and step outside and looked on what's around him. They were in a forest in the middle of nowhere...

He looked back at the pods and he went twilight's pod and open it and He pick up twilight out of the pod he looked down at her realize that she was awake

The girl had dark blue hair with pink and purple stripes, she had purple eyes she was had the same color skin as her father she was wearing a wolf onesie and she was born with a saiyan tail.

Gohan: I still can't believe that I have a baby sister...

???: Hello! Gohan! Gohan can you hear me?!

Gohan: King kai?!

King Kai: Yes it's me! I have to tell you that your in another world like a new Earth

Gohan: What?! So we are in a new planet earth?!

King Kai: Yes! I still don't understand how this happen

Gohan: King Kai is my dad there with you same with the others?

King Kai:....I'm afraid not Gohan there not here.....

Gohan: 'No! It's impossible!! How can they not be there?!' He thought to himself

King Kai: I check everywhere...I especially check hell to make sure if they might have fallen down...But I do advice you to train twilight when she gets older I'll help you to, to train her

Gohan: I guess your right I'll train her and I know she has so much potential in her that needs to be unlocked

King Kai: Okay I wish you the best of luck Gohan and I'll help on directions, locations and places there is in new planet earth

Gohan: Thanks King Kai and goodbye for now...

Gohan sighs to himself and he turns around to the pods and looks to see that everyone is still asleep the he looks up at the sky and see that the sun was almost

Gohan: Well it's best if we start a fire before the sun sets...

Gohan looks down at twilight

Gohan: You want to help big brother little Twily?

Twilight made a happy noise

Gohan: Alright! Let's go find some sticks and rocks

{Few minutes later}

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