Every Backstory Is Usually Very Traumatic

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Flames were swallowing my house whole as I stood by my family from a far. The whole neighborhood had evacuated in time. Everything had become too much.

Society was dying.

Humans were failing.

Pollution was taking over.

Fires couldn't be stopped.

Then came Better Living Industries.

The aftermath is secondary.

Anyways, my family moved out to Battery City because we didn't have much of a choice. I noticed stuff was wack almost immediately. 

When I was getting my eyes checked by an optometrist (cause I'm blind as heck) I was giving pills and my glasses. Apparently there was a shortage of contacts because lack of resources but I call bullshit. But I was confused about the pills. Really? For my eyes? Also fun fact, I can never willingly make myself swallow anything without chewing it so that was fun to explain.

Yeah so whatever. I'm guessing we can assume what happens here. 

1. My really cute best friend gets death and that's when I decide that my villain origin story begins.

2. I run away from home cause I Hate It Here.

3. Now I'm just vibin out in zone six, wondering what actually goes beyond the zones.

4. (Maybe also thinking if I get a cute lesbian oc to accompany me on my adventures ;D )

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