He's the one [1]

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[A/N: The story will be in Katsuki's P.O.V. AND NO, BAKUGO WILL NOT JOIN THE L.O.V!! Suggestions for future chapters are always accepted, feedback, criticism, etc.]

I walked into the noisy classroom, sitting down at my desk that was planted near the door. The red haired loser came over to my desk, wrapping his arm around my neck like we were buddy buddy. "So, bro, have you heard about the new student?!" He seemed excited. "What the fuck, why would I even care?" I rolled my eyes. I could care less about more idiotic fucks in this class. "He's gonna be in our class!" This rock idiot seemed way too happy about this.

Soon there was a crowd around my desk of the following extras: Raccoon eyes, Tape dispenser, Dunce face, and Shitty hair. I don't feel like remembering their stupid names. "I heard the new kid is the son of the number 2 hero, Endeavour!" Raccoon eyes seemed to be in a daze, as if she fell in love with someone she didn't even know. I scoffed. Off-Brand Spiderman pushed shoulders with Raccoon. "You don't even know him, yet you seem like you already have a crush!" He teased.

Our teacher, Mr.Aizawa walked in and everyone silenced, and headed to their individual seats. He walked up to the podium at the front of the classroom.
"I'm sure you have heard already," he sounded like he was ready for his 5th nap of the day. "You have a new classmate, please welcome him." A red and white haired, about 6 foot walked into the room, stood by Mr.Aizawa and bowed.
"Hello, I am Shoto Todoroki, your new classmate." He also sounded like he didn't wanna be here. I scoffed, probably an emo kid. Mr.Aizawa pointed to an empty desk, next to mine for him to have. He walked over to the seat, and sat down. He looked at me, probably already processing he should stay away unless he wanted to be blown up.

Mr.Aizawa passed out a handout packet, letting us work individually or in partners/groups. I planned to go solo, things will go much faster like that. The candycane stood in front of my desk, as I looked up at him, cocking my eyebrow up a bit. "Watcha' want?" I asked, he seemed un-phased by my attitude. "May I please work with you?" He asked, already pulling up a chair to sit down.
I scoffed. "Well, you already seem comfy, huh? Sure, just don't be an idiot!" I hit him with my packet. He nodded and looked at me again. "What's your name?" He seemed to be studying my face.
"Bakugo Katsuki." He put his hand out and I just stared before slowly grabbing it and shaking hands with him. "Nice to meet you, Bakugo." I nodded, before letting go of his hand, I kept in mind how soft his hands were.. Wait, that's gay- I take that back. I will NOT keep that in mind!

After we finished the packet, I was pretty surprised this guy wasn't dumb like the rest of these extras are. We went back to do our separate deeds now that we finished the task at hand. The poor guy was swarmed by half the class. But a familiar voice made me spark.
"So, Todoroki, is your dad actually the number two hero, Endeavour?!" I turned my head to quickly see that dumb ass nerd, Deku talking to that Half n' Half guy. He just seemed to have nodded in response.
"That's so cool! I'm Midoriya Izuku!" He smiled and shook hands with Half n' Half. I felt rage boil inside me, like I felt a jealousy I never expected to have. How dare that useless nerd touch Half n' Half's hand? I wanted to go beat him up, but that'd obviously get me in trouble with Mr.Aizawa.

It's just now, my retarded mind decide to finally give me the answer to this strange feeling. I had a crush on this guy. He didn't seem to show any interest into the others, but he did to me. I felt like my pupils were basically hearts as I stared at his nape as he was swarmed by our classmates. He's the one.. I thought to myself. I think I'm feeling love for the first time. And I kinda like it..

[A/N: These chapters won't be as long as I usually do in other stories, just because of the limited time I have to finish this story. So I'll be stopping other stories to work on this one!]

I'd Kill For You [Valentines Special]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora