Chapter One

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Kasumi's Pov
"You're doing it again."

"No, I'm not."

"I can see you watching and glaring. "

"Shut up Gaara."

I don't even know why we keep coming here. I thought to myself leaning back in my seat I then crossed one of my legs over the other glancing over at Gaara who was reading a book, next to me. Coming to the hidden leaf village was always a blessing and a curse.

For one I got to see some of my other friends that I never got to see when going back to the Sand Village. But it was always a curse because I had to watch Temari and Shikamaru. Always I did.

I tugged at my shirt a bit feeling Gaara lay his head on my shoulder and I let him rest there.  I watched from across the room Temari was leaning on her fan talking with her boyfriend.

It was the silly jealousy thing. I started liking Shikamaru before her. But she always got what she wanted before me. I don't like her and I never have. Something about her never shook with me when I was put on a team with Gaara, Kankuro and her.

I noticed Shikamaru first. His laziness but somehow I developed a stupid school girl crush on him. He made me smile, and I actually talked to him face to face. I didn't battle him like Temari did. But somehow she won over his heart.

I looked away from the sight of her giggling at whatever he was saying watching Kankuro slide a cup towards me  he sat down with a heavy sigh leaning back on his arms.

"Oh, man did we really come all the way out here to watch Temari make goo-goo eyes at her boyfriend? They should just get married already." He grumbled.  I had lifted the teacup up towards my lips, slowly I drank from it, my eyes snapping open for a quick moment quickly I chocked on it a little, coughing quietly.

Kankuro shot me a smug smirk knowing he did it in purpose "stop doing that I could care less." I mumbled humming letting the tea relax me.

"Jealousy is an ugly trait." Him and Gaara said at the same time. I felt my face grow extremely heated and  I muttered fast "I'm not jealous what are you talking about. " I trailed off drinking all the tea in one go. Sighing satisfied with the burn and warmth it left throughout my body.

I watched Naruto rush by to order some ramen yelling and screaming and whatnot "Kasumi you can't lie and say you've been mad for a couple of years now." Gaara pointed out, my lips formed a thin line I felt my thighs in the shorts I wore pressed against me.

"Chasing after someone who is taken is really really not healthy." I trailed off grabbing the new cup Kankuro handed me drinking to again.

"I mean look at Sakura she's been chasing after Sasuke for years even now after he left." I trailed off, even though that was more of a one-sided love if you think about it. Plus their new teammate Sai oh man was he an adorable cutie.

Always drawing and whatnot. He somehow could always see through others reading them well. Even myself.

"Watch Sakura and Sasuke will end up having kids," Gaara grumbled his eyes still skimming the book he read. Me and Kankuro hummed in agreement and I finished my third cup of tea. Which usually helps me in my times like this.

I hated and loved coming here. But complaining wouldn't do me too much good. I continued to talk with the two before Kankuro nudged me in the arm a bit I then looked at him confused before I glanced in front of me to see Shikamaru was rubbing the back of his head deeply.

"Man this is such a drag I wanted to go home and sleep." He grumbled I watched him confused before he then spoke to me.

"Kasumi do you wanna hang out for a bit maybe train?"  He asked me. b I was very taken back and even Gaara was looking shocked he flicked his eyes to study him. "um sure," I answered setting the cup down.

I dug through my pocket handing Kankuro the money since he had his hand held out for me. I put the money in his palm and stood up watching Gaara move so I could slide out the seat.

I picked up my bag off the floor clearing my throat a little taken back. Me and him had never hung out one in one before.

"Come on." He gestured with a wave of his hand I nodded slowly following with him out the little shop, my heart rate racing madly.

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