It's a hard life

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*Two months later*

Johns POV

It's been two months since me and Brian broke up. We all get along now and turnes out Brian and Roger are dating! I'm really happy for them, and I'm glad that their happy too. They belong to each other. I was sitting in the studio putting my bass away while Freddie was talking, roger and Brian were nowhere to be found.

"Hey Fred, do you mind if me and roger talk to john for a sec" Brian said with roger standing behind him. "Sure, I don't mind" Freddie said smiling at the two. I looked over and Brian and roger who were both signing me to walk over to them, so i did. They walked me down the hallway and into one of the rooms. "You can sit down on the sofa" roger said pointing to the couch i should sit on. The two later on sat in the couch sitting across from me crossing one leg over the other. "We know your secret John" Brian said in a low tone. "But...i don't have any".

"Well I found your diary and it clearly said here "I need to keep this a secret from everyone, especially Freddie, he can't find out that i love him..." Roger read out loud to me. "HEY" I said snatching the book out of his hands and holding it in my arms tightly. "So you have a crush on Freddie huh" Brian asked crossing his arms and smirking.

"No.......maybe.....yes..yes I do" I said shyly looking down at my shoes. "Has he ever kissed you in any type of way?" Roger asked me. "N-no" i felt a blush creep onto my cheeks as they asked me more questions about me and him.

"Have you ever....slept with him" Brian asked like he knew what the answer was. "Uhm...i....we...slept together before...on the house" I said shyly. Brian then looked at roger and roger looked at brian, then hey both looked at me."Well Freddie said we are all going on a camping trip tomorrow, me and roger have a tent for the both of us, Freddie has a tent, but do you have one?" They asked. "I have one in my basement" I replied.

"Alright..because Freddie said we all need to "bond" so he is taking us on a camping trip" Brian said making random hand motions. "And trust me, me and rog are going to make it he best trip you will ever have"Brian said smiling mischievously as him and roger both left the room laughing. I knew this whole trip was goi to be hell....


No ones pov

"Is everyone buckled" Freddie asked looking to the back seats to see John sleeping with his head leaning on the window and roger looking completely brain dead. "I'm goin to take that as a yes" Freddie said turning around. Later on Brian walked over to the car and went in on the drivers side, starting the car up.

    "Why am I driving your when your the person who knows we're the location is" Brian asked Freddie as he started up he car. "Because I don't feel like it darling, and plus my b-...deaky and roger are resting" Freddie said blushing at what he almost mistaken what he called John.

"Ooooo Freddie has a crush on johnnn" Brian teased. "Stop it brian" Freddie said playfully slapping brians arm as they both laughed. "So, do you like him" Brian said calming down his laughter. "I guess you can say I fancy him" Freddie said lookin out the window of the car. "Y'know, ou guys would make a cute couple" Brian said.

It was silent for a few unill Freddie responded "Yea, but he's just to good for me".

"Ughh, Fred you can literally be breaking his back and owning his arse right now, but instead your just fantasizing about it like jut make you dream come true it's not that hard" Brian complained. "Brian, I don't even know if he feels the same about me...and plus we are not even dating" Freddie said turning the rear view mirror so he could see John peacefully sleeping.

"You never know Fred, he could feel the same way about you". And after Brian had said that it was quiet for the rest of the car ride.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2020 ⏰

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