Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"Safe Safe Safe" – A Ghost Story Soundtrack

I was silent for quite some time. In fact, I remained silent when Tobin came to relieve me, merely offering him a smirk before hurrying out of the sewer and finding fresh air outside. As the refreshing air hit my lungs, everything I had heard from the leech crashed on me, which drove me to my knees. I stared down at the lush grass surrounding me and fought the urge to scream—it wouldn't do me any good. While I tried to rationalize that it could be a huge coincidence, I knew my luck better than that.

After a moment, I moved out of the grassy ditch and made my way toward the city center, barely moving faster than a human. The sun was on its way down by the time I reached the outskirts of downtown, and I was relieved to find the streets relatively quiet. Since the Fiesta activities wrapped, the San Antonio residents had gone back to life as normal. This meant fewer raucous parties downtown, a decreased number of police, and a significant reduction in human bodies.

As I passed by a homeless man begging for change, I started to think back to the leech. Who was I kidding? I had not stopped thinking about him. It had to be a coincidence because the alternative explanation involved human me and vampires, which was contrary to my nature. I shook my head. No, Shiloh would not have allowed Colin to spend time with me if I had a pack of leeches swarming around me. However, as I recalled what the vampire had said, about his and his family losing contact with their "family friend," I cringed openly.

What life was I living before I met the Walkers? I growled softly in frustration as I tried to look past the blank slate that was my memory only to be met with nothing, as usual. Stopping, I ran a hand through my hair and looked to a pedestrian walking on the opposite side of the street. She was a young girl, maybe early twenties, and her eyes were glued to the cell phone in her hand. As I watched, she skipped across a crosswalk without as much as a look to ensure no cars were coming. It was just her luck that no one was there.

Things have changed so much, I thought to myself.

"Well you look quite pensive," a voice called from a small, dead-end alleyway ahead. When I moved closer, I noticed Javier, one of the vampire informants Dex acquired when we first arrived. He tilted his head to the side and narrowed his eyes, amused. "What's wrong? Santa not give you enough venom in your stocking?"

I stopped and turned, my expression hardening as I said, "I'm not in the mood for your games. Piss off."

"Temper, temper, huntress," he said mockingly while dancing around the edge of the shadow so as not to reveal his luminous skin. His dark curly hair puffed out, catching the wind and waving. "While I do enjoy annoying you, it's not the sole reason I'm here."

"I don't care," I said, moving further from him. "Go find Rix. He'll listen to you."

"I think this is something you will care about," he called after me. "Especially given the house guest you are currently hosting."

I stopped and turned over my left shoulder before returning to him. Once I was certain no one else was eavesdropping, I said, "All right, you have my attention. How do you know about him and what else have you heard?"

He smiled wickedly as he always did, which made me wonder if he somehow got off on betraying his own kind. Then again, what else could be expected from leeches? They cared only for themselves.

"Word on the street is he comes from a large family, and they've come looking for him," he said. "There are seven total, including him, and they're all here. The rest arrived today."

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