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eddies pov

i woke up the sound of crashes and thuds~ i slowly get out of bed and walk to the hallway where i see bev and stan standing there half asleep

'what's going on' i ask

'we don't know~ mom left earlier this morning for works' stan says

'oh shit' i say as we hear another thud

'what's happening' bill says walking out of stans room

'oh hey bill' bev says grinning

'i'll go check what's happening' i say walking to the stairs

'woah woah woah, alone ?' bill says grabbing my arm

'well are you coming with' i ask as stan shakes his head and pulls bill to his chest, and bev rolls her eyes

'i'll come' she says while walking over and grabbing my arm

we walk down the stars and hear another thud~it came from the door. i walk over to the door leaving bev, i slowly pull back the door and look out the screen door

there sat a big ish dog, i sigh as i realize the crashes were it knocking over our plants and shattering the pots and the thuds were it desperately trying to get inside cause it's cold as shit

'hey bev, i'm gonna step outside' i say here a quick 'be safe'

i cautiously walk out the door, the dogs tail wagging a mile a minute. i crouch down allowing the dog to come to me, once it allows me to pet it i sigh once again. i check for a collar but soon notice it has none, i coach the dog over to the garage door so i can get it inside. once it's inside our surprisingly warm garage i walk with the dog inside the house and quickly to the bathroom and shut the door. the dog is almost bigger than me, so trying to think of a way to get it into the bath is tricky.

*skip to after getting gets a bath with the dog due to messy complications*

i finally got done bathing the dog and taking a shower, i checked the dog for flees and much to my surprise it doesn't have any. i already know my mom will be pissed cause i brought a random dog inside but i couldn't let it freeze. i walk up the stairs of the house, the dog right behind me. i see stan and bev talking in the living room, right i forgot to tell them
(a/n it only took him 25 minutes to wash himself and the dog)

'guys' i say

'where'd you get a dog' bev says standing up

'he's the cause of all the noise, he was freezing so i brought him in and bathed him' i say shrugging

'so you brought it inside ? smart' stan says sarcastically

'oh whatever i wasn't gonna let him freeze you heartless bastard' i say walking to the stairs

'now if you don't mind me and him are gonna go to bed,  goodnight ladies' i say

once in my room i hear bev and stan go their rooms im assuming to go back to sleep as well.   i hop up into bed and get comfy and the i feel the dog lay against my back all stretched out.   i sigh gleefully before allowing my eyes to drift shut


i literally have zero clue where this book is going —

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