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27 years laterrr
(get it comes back every 27 years)

jk jk

its only 10 years later ^.^

nobodys pov

today is the day of richie and eddies wedding and to say they're both nervous is an understatement. as kids the whole losers club used to teasingly plan their dream weddings, but never once did richie actually believe any of the bullshit. richie never believed he'd find his soulmate let alone marry him. richie nervously wipes his hands on his nice pants, getting scolded by beverly for doing so.

richies wedding party was bev, stan, ben and mike. and of course his parents were there to support their son. as well as many family and friends and some people from the area who had decided to come for free food at the after party.

while eddies wedding party was bill, georgie, henry, and patrick. his mom had helped her son into his tux and then went to find a seat hopefully near richies parents as they have been getting alone quite well.

over the years has been the best years of eddie and richies time. everything seemed to unreal that it was as if they were floating on a blissful cloud.

today was one of the more stressful things to plan but with the best outcome and they're already so grateful. after all the planning they had done they were so ready to finally see it all have come together,,

richie had been stressing to finally see his fiance all day, since the minute he had been abruptly woken up early this morning to be pulled out of the bed and pulled away from his soon to be husband. and now all he can do is eagerly wait to see his husband-to-be to walk up to him in his white tux.

whereas eddie was just floating on a high full of smiles and continuous gushing over how he can't believe it's his wedding, that he's finally gonna be eddie tozier, and how he loved the way it rolled off his tongue

richie was led out from the back room he was in, he was walked up to the podium by his mother... i know it sounds very different and off from the normal wedding but its what they had planned on, they wanted it as different but as normal as possible. richie was now stood up on the podium and waited for eddie. soon the music began--

the lights were lightly dinned so you could see all the fairy lights eddie had requested to be hung, as the light music played smoothly in the background, the two wedding parties had joined hands and walked gracefully down the isle minutes before and now its eddies turn, he had nerves bubbling inside his tummy but the minute eddie had locked eyes with richie every single nerve had vanished.

eddie was now stood in front of richie, both smiling ear to ear at one-another,, the priest cleared his throat

'we are gathered here today to celebrate one of lifes greatest moments, and to cherish the words which unite richard tozier and edward kaspbrak in marriage. marriage is the promise two people who love each other, and whom trust in that love, who honor each other as individuals, and who chose to spend the rest of their lives together. this ceremony will not create a relationship that does not already exist between you. it is a symbol of how far you have come over the past few years. it is the symbol of the promises you will make to each other to continue growing stronger as individuals and as partners. no matter what challenges you face, you now face them together, and no matter how much you succeed, you now succeed together. the love between you joins you as one'

after the priest had finished his speech, eddie had looked extra nervous as he leaned towards richies ear and whispered

'i forgot to practice my vows with all the excitement' eddie admits sheepishly

'you're supposed to practice them' richie whisper-yells looking over to bev who had her head in her hands

'it appears they'd like to with hold their vows to exchange at a more private time' the priest says, saving both of the two further embarasment

(a/n; im no priest so bare with me with this next part)

'do you richard tozier take edward kaspbrak as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part.'

'i do' richie says whilst sliding the ring onto eddies finger while looking into his eyes

'and do you edward kaspbrak take richard tozier as your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part.'

'i do' eddie says and slides the ring onto richies finger, only focusing much more on his work than richie did

'with the power invested in me, i now pronounce you husband and husband, you may kiss the groom' as soon as the words fell from the priest lips,, richie and eddie practically flung themselves at one- another

the two had broke the kiss a few minutes later and walked back down the isle hand-in-hand. walking outside was full of smile and laughs as everyone flung rice at them in large handfuls, hoping into the car richie looked over at him now husband

'i love you eddie tozier' richie declares while grabbing the hand of his husband

'i love you too richie tozier' eddie says while squeezing richies hand a bit tighter

they drove off into the distance, all the cheers of everyone slowly faded

that night the two newly weds fell asleep skin to skin cuddled up under the sheets of the bed.

smiles on their faces

a peaceful silence upon them

content with everything around them



i apologize for any spelling mistakes,  i haven't had time to go thru and spell check.  

thank you all for reading,  it truly means a lot.  

i love you all~ 🤍🤍

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