When You Take Their Favourite Hoodie

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I wrote this because it's freezing outside and i was looking for my favourite hoodie, and I asked my gf if she had seen it, and she had it. I was kinda upset but she looks SO cute in my hoodies so I let it be. (Sorry that was random and long).

Also, this will be a bit different, but eh...



- He was going through his room but couldn't find it

- So he messaged you


Have you seen my gray hoodie?

- You replied with a picture of you in the hoodie.


This one?


Yes, that one. I told you not to take that one.


And I told you that it smells like you, so I'm taking it. You even agreed.


I would never. When was this?


When you were only half awake :)


Unfair :(

- Gave you a hard time about it, but secretly loved it so much because he thought it was so cute. 


- Soft omg

- He just wants to cuddle you and kiss you and hug you

- Starts giving you ALL of his hoodies to wear

- You basically start wearing his clothes more than your own

- "Baby, you're so cute~"


- A freaking bRAT

- "You have your own damn clothes for a reason"

- Keeps taking it from you

- But you keep taking it back

- Eventually gives up because he's soft for you and just can't win


- "mY hOoDiE fItS yOu BeTtEr tHaN mE! WtF?!?"

- Doesn't understand.

- "y/N, gIvE iT bAcK!"

- you - "no. it's not my fault your small"

moving on...


- C U D D L E S

- He just wants to snuggle you

- Kisses you a lot because he just can't resist

- His white hoodie is hUgE on you

- Let's you take that hoodie whenever


- He literally falls in love with you all over again

- Every time

- But is kinda upset

- Only because he wants to wear that one

- But gets over it because you're cute


- Oh WOW

- Thinks your hot (hot, hot)

- Low-key turned on

- bUT

- He thinks it's so cute

- Asks you to wear his clothes more often


- Activate Seungmean

- Like Minho

- "Bish, you have hoodies. I like this one"

- Doesn't give it to you and that's that.


- Stuck between taking it back or letting you keep it

- In the end you keep it until it doesn't small like him

- Then you wash it and give it back for a couple days

- Then you take it again

- A never ending cycle

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