Minho As Your Boyfriend

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- He sleeps cuddling you 

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- He sleeps cuddling you 

 - Wakes up if you get up while he's sleeping

- Gets up late

- Takes you out for breakfast some mornings

- Calls you during breaks just to hear your voice 

- He calls you his Prince/Princess

- Doesn't buy you things a lot, unless he's away on tour or a trip

- Takes you out on fancy ass dates all the time

- Teases you needlessly

- Kisses your cheeks when he thinks you're really cute

- Kisses your ass when you're mad at him and he knows he messed up

- Ya'll argue a bit but you always make up soon after

- Constantly sends you videos of him dancing throughout the day

- Asks for your opinion on choreographies

- Trusts you to take care of his cats when he can't 

- Threatens you if you don't

- But wouldn't do anything because he actually loves you

- Playfully cold towards you but always ends up begging for your attention

- Literally wants to give you the world

- Took you to the fair and won you a small cat plushie

- You named it after him

- You guys are just a really cute couple

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