When You Speak Your Native Language | Maknae Line

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- You were really worried about him because he wasn't taking care of himself

- He was stressed about the comeback, and you were stressed because he won't stay healthy

- You bring it up to him calmly, and tell him you think he's too stressed. 

- He said he was fine

- You kept pressing the issue

- He snapped

- And you yelled at him in English

- Of course, he's heard you speak English previously because you would teach him

- But it was impossible for him to follow along because of how fast you were speaking

- But later ya'll made up, cuddled, and he started taking care of himself again :)


- You made the mistake of bringing up the fact that you're not actually Korean

- You guys had never talked about your home country

- But when you told him, he hounded you about speaking Chinese

- It's not that he hasn't heard people speak Chinese before

- But he wanted to hear you speak it

- Whenever you do it he gets all giggly and hugs you and says you're smart and cute

- He tries getting you to teach him, but you guys are always so busy it never works out :(


- You actually never speak Indonesian around Felix

- Or anyone

- Even your parents 

- He knew it was your native language

- He'd just never heard you use it

- Until you burned your hand on the baking sheet that you pulled out of the oven

- You cursed really loud, but he didn't know

- You told him sorry for cussing

- "YoU cAnT jUsT cUrSe In InDoNeSiAn BeCaUsE i WoNt LeT yOu In EnGlISh!"

- You hadn't even realised you'd spoken it

- But after that, it became a little more come

- He was always suspicious that you were cursing tho


- "Y/n, I can't understand you"

- *mimiks you speaking Welsh*

- He's heard you speak it on the day you guys met

- And every day since

- He used to love it

- But he can't understand it well

- And he struggles a bit to remember it

- But he tries


- Loves it when you speak French

- It's his favourite sound 

- He thinks your accent is the most adorable thing

- Learned how to say "Hello" and "I love you"

- Randomly hugs you and says "Je t'aime" 

- And your response is always "Je t'aime aussi"


Fun Fact: My computer knows French and English but doesn't understand Spanish??? Like it never marks any errors in my French grammar, but Namjesus forbid my Spanish being correct.

Anywayyy... Hope you enjoyed :)

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