2- The Origin Story of the Two Love Birds 1

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Once again, after scavenging the neighborhood for any criminals, Peter Parker or Spider-Man, was sitting atop of a building, his legs dangling in the air as he leaned back and let the last rays of the sun hit him through the thin spider suit, exhaling deeply in serenity. He had managed to catch a purse snatcher and help a kid find his mom and it felt just like any other day, but Peter felt happy.

Tony was right. Maybe being a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man was what was best for him. But somehow though, there was this part of him that yearned for danger and adventure. He didn't want to displease Tony, but he was almost seventeen now, he could take care of himself.

The teen sighed and looked down at his gloved hands. Would you like to try the advanced shooter mode? Karen interrogated him, and Peter smiled to himself. "Hell yes." The teen excitedly jumped back on his feet and pointed his arm to a wall as a little white compressed bullet shot from his wrist before exploding into a wide, sticky web on the concrete. "Awesome!" Peter exclaimed, gasping lightly in amazement. The bullet had been so fast he almost hadn't managed to see it at all and the spider boy was blown away by every new thing Karen would show him.

"Karen, show me something else!" The suit replied with a simple 'alright' and initiated something called 'neutralizing bullets'. Peter jumped in place, a wide grin plastered on his face. A black bullet shot from the suit, completely silent as it hit the wall, the shell expanding into a little black and red spider crawling onto the concrete and finally back to his suit. This would bite your target and knock them out. Peter's mouth dropped in awe. "So cool! I guess I'm really going to knock them off their feet. And then they're going to be the ones getting spider powers." Peter laughed at his own jokes, thrilled about those new advancements he was exploring with Karen.

His dorky smile quickly disappeared when his spidey senses started to tingle. He felt someone approaching and so he spun on his heels, getting ready to fight.

"Woah, someone's feeling feisty." Peter instantly recognized him. How could he not? He was the merc with a mouth, the completely insane, regenerative Deadpool. That flashy red suit wouldn't fool anyone. "Wade?" The man nodded and grinned. "In the flesh. Well, what's left of it anyway. How's it going, babycakes?" Peter frowned and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms on his chest defensively.

"Stop it with the nicknames, already. Why are you here?" "Ooh, I gotta say, Spidey, that kind of hurts. Can't a man just want to see his friend after a very exhausting day of slicing people's throats and filling bodies with bullets?" (You know he's going to get mad, Wade...) [Yeah, tell him! We kill people and we like it, what's so wrong about that?]

"Wade, we've discussed this. Murder is bad." Wade sighed and approached Peter who stayed still, judging the mercenary with piercing eyes under the spider mask. "So is ignoring me. Where have you been those past few days? I've been very lonely without you." Wade confessed in an exaggerated hurt tone, dodging his psychotic issues because he knew it would only make Spider-Man angry or disappointed with him.

"I've been busy. School and protecting the city." Peter answered in a scoff. "How 'bout you make it up to me? Show me that face of yours, c'mon." Wade made grabby hands at the teen's mask and Peter instinctively walked back and held his hand up in a warning. "We've talked about this, Wade. I'm not just going to reveal my identity to you. Stop asking!" The man pouted and whined. "You are such a buzzkill! I won't tell, Webs."

Peter sighed and brought a hand to his forehead, feeling that the longer he would be talking with that annoying mercenary, the higher the chance was of him developing a headache. "Wade... Just try to understand. I'm not like you, I can't just go about my day knowing that everyone knows who I am. And also, that'd make me a buzzfight 'cause killing is against my code of ethics."

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