4- Origin Story 2

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Wade sighed as he paced in his dirty apartment before finally plopping down onto his couch, boredom sipping through his pores. "fuck why isn't there any asshole that needs his brain blown out?" He grumbled and rolled on the couch before falling down and groaning. He was looking at his phone every few seconds, hoping it would finally ring. But it obstinately remained quiet. He yelled in frustration and kicked the couch, immediately regretting it at the acute pain that ran through his leg.

"Fuuuck..." He cursed, looking up at the ceiling as though the poorly painted surface held the answer to his problem. "Do you know what I need, Al?" "Friends." Wade groaned, painfully lifting his heavy body in a sitting position. "Ouch, no. I meant just in general." Al turned to him in her recliner, as though she was judging him behind those black glasses. "Love."

The man known as Deadpool rolled his eyes and lied back down. "I get it, I'm a loser. No need to rub salt in my wounds." Al remained quiet.

Wade picked up his phone and started flipping through his contacts, looking for someone to call or just reassure himself that he wasn't really a loser with no friends. It was hard keeping and creating relationships. You know since he was a mercenary and a psychopath and all. Yeah, not the top guy you'd want to befriend. Wade also had a tendency of never opening up to people and couldn't bring himself to trust them and that would ultimately destroy every slimmer of human contact he had. "Alright, I get it!" Wade groaned and jumped up to his feet.

"If trouble won't come to me, I'll go look for it, I guess." [Good idea let's get this refouled rage out of our system.] (That's a good way to get hurt and in trouble...) "Shut up logic, I'm with insanity on this one." He huffed, picking up his katanas from the floor and equipping them before walking out the door.

Wade skipped on the street before climbing up a building by jumping on a dumpster and grabbing the ledge of the roof and dragging himself up. He rolled onto the concrete and hopped back to his feet. The mercenary smiled and hummed a little tune, spinning one of his swords in one hand while jumping from roof to roof, getting close to falling almost each time he took a leap.

"Damn, I feel like Spidey." He grinned and due to a moment of distraction, his blade glided across his skin, cutting off his pointer finger in the process. "MotherFUcker!" Wade hissed and held his hand which was bleeding all over the place, his katana landing on the roof with a 'clank'.

"What are you doing here, Deadpool?" A voice called out and Wade turned his neck to the visitor. There stood Spider-Man himself, hands on his hips and head lightly cocked to the side, staring at the antihero in incredulity.

Wade grinned. "Spidey! I was just thinking about you! And the fact that I can't point people accusingly anymore. Well, until it grows back. That's a real bummer." Deadpool sighed, lifting his hurt hand and waving at Spider-Man. The latter rolled his eyes under his mask.

"I asked, 'what are you doing here?'. Answer me. Are you looking for trouble again?" Wade gasped, a hand grasping his suit where his heart was located. "How mean! I only came to get a little fresh air.... Aaand also to catch bad guys. Nothing else." The teenager stared in disbelief, crossing his arms over his chest as he walked over to the mercenary.

"You were going to hand them over to the police, I assume?" He asked, already knowing the answer. It was Wade after all.

Deadpool didn't say anything for a few seconds before nodding slowly. "Of course! Those bastards clearly deserve to live and get a second chance! I mean, the system is totally not flawed or anything..." The man rambled, mocking and making Spider-Man annoyed.

"I never said the system is perfect. But who are you to decide to faith of another human being?" Wade's teeth gritted. "And who were they to decide that I'd become like this? Where was justice when they turned me into a monster?" A thick silence followed Deadpool's harsh words and the teen frankly didn't know what to reply. He knew he'd just offended the mercenary but didn't know what to say to make it up to him. "Whatever. It's not like a snap of your fingers can just stop my violent tendencies. I have a lot of refouled rage, you know?" The boy kept quiet. "I don't expect you to change because I want you too. I want you to change because you want to. Not me, not anyone else. You. I think you owe yourself at least that."

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