Chapter 1

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"Legacy hurry up and bring your ass downstairs. You gonna have us late once again. You always do this shit when you don't want to go." Maurice hollered upstairs.

"Im coming damn. I don't want to go to this shit anyway. I just want to stay home prop my feet up and relax. I'm bout to have the baby anyway."

"Don't start that shit man. All the guys women gonna be there and I want mine there next to me too."

"I don't even like the super bowl. And I don't like football. I don't want to damn go."

"Man get your ass down these fucking steps and come on. I don't want to be late."

Maurice paced the floor back and forth. He looked down at his watch and walked back to the steps.

"Girl bring your ass on here damn."

Legacy walked down the steps and walked to Maurice. She looked up at him and pouted.

"Why I can't just stay home?"

"Maurice ran his hands down his face and sighed. He pulled her into him and kissed her lips.

"Baby stop that shit. I don't want to be the only one there without his woman there. I want you there with me. Now come on. We already late."

Legacy grabbed her purse and walked out the door. Maurice locked up and walked her to the car. He opened the door and let her in. He walked over and got in. He crunk the car up and as soon as he did he cell phone rings. He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was his boy August.

"I know man. I'm on the way." He said before he could even say anything.

"Why must you always be the one that is late to all the gathering?"

"You already know why. I don't even know why you even asked."

"So y'all gonna sit there and talk about me like I'm not even in the car Maurice?" Legacy said.

"I love you too baby." He said to her and drove out the driveway.

"Man hurry up. The game about to start. And you suppose to be bringing the drinks mutha fucker."

"I got that shit man. Calm your ass down. We will be there in a few."

"Aight man. Hurry." He said hanging the phone up.

Maurice drove in silence for a while. He already knew she was gonna give him some type of lip.

"Rice why I couldn't just stay home?"

"Legacy don't do this Aight. You already know why. Why must we go through this shit every time we go?"

"Cause you choose them over me."

"Bullshit. Ain't you knocked up? I get that pussy everyday and I spend time with you too. So don't come for me. Miss me with that bullshit." He said as he continued to drive.

"So that's how it is? You gonna act like this is not a issue?"

Maurice didn't reply to her. He just kept driving. As they pulled up in the yard he cut the car off and looked at her.

"Listen don't get in here with the fuckery. Do what you know to do. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yeah whatever. You gonna pay for this shit when we get home. Just know that."

"And what that suppose to mean?"

"You will find out now let's go." She said opening her door and slamming it.

Maurice walked to her and grabbed her by the hand. He squeezed it and looked down at her.

"I swear to God if you get in here with that shit I'm gonna be pissed."

Legacy rolled her eyes and snatched her hand from his. August opens  the  door and looked at them.

"About damn time man. Y'all some slow ass people." He said taking the drinks from them.

"Man fuck you. I'm here. That's all that matters." He said back to him.

They walked in and greeted the people. Everyone spoke and hugged. Legacy sat down next to Maurice. Every time they come
here they have a assigned area that they like to sit in.

"Why must y'all do this all the time? I am about to have my baby. Y'all could have brought this shit to us." Legacy said.

Maurice looked at her with a look on his face. If looks could kill she would be dead by now. He put his hand on her leg and squeezed it.

"Baby stop being fucking rude. You already know this is a tradition that we have done for years. Now watch your manners and just chill."

Legacy looked at him and gave him the nastiest look. She sat back and folded her arms as the game started. She pulled out her phone and got on social media. She made a post and then scrolled through Instagram. Hours has passed and she was ready to go. She was beginning to get aggravated and her stomach started hurting. They ate and was waiting on half time. Legacy needed to use the restroom so she tapped Maurice.

"Can you help me up? I got to use the bathroom." She said softly.

"Yeah come on." He said as he stood and helped her up.

He walked to the bathroom with her. He turned to get ready to walk away and she grabbed his hand.

"Ouch. Baby wait." She yelled.

"What's wrong? Is it the baby?" He asked concerned.

"I don't know but my stomach is hurting bad. Walk with me inside please." She said as he held her stomach.

Maurice walked in with he and assisted her as she pulled her clothes down. As she pulled her pants down she saw blood.

"Omg it's blood in my panties." She said scared.

"Fuck!" Let's get you to the hospital.

Maurice called out to the others for help. They all ran to him and assisted him getting Legacy to the car. August hit the record button to finish the game and they all followed Maurice to the hospital. They got her checked in and they all waited in the waiting room. Maurice was called back and when he got back there he found out that she was in labor.

"Baby are you ok?" He asked her.

"No this is all your damn fault. Get this damn baby out of me." She yelled.

This is about to be something!!!!

What is gonna happen???

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What are your thoughts about her attitude?????

I will update this book when the reads hit 40.

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