Chapter 2

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I held her hand in the delivery room as she went through all the contractions. Of coarse a nigga got the blame for all of it. But I took it cause I was so ready to se my baby girl. We already chose her name and all. Her name was Royalty Brown. Legacy wanted something different. The nurse came in and checked her and she was ready to push.

"Alright you guys. It's time to have this baby." She said to us.

My eyes lit up and I got super excited. I leaned down and kissed Legacy forehead and whispered in her ear.

"It's almost over Baby. We got this." Chris said passionately.

"Don't touch me. This is all your fault." Legacy yelled.

I knew it was the pain so I didn't take it seriously.

"Alright Ms. Jenkins give me a good push on this next contraction." The nurse said getting her in position.

Legacy pushed and squeezed my hand hard as fuck. I don't know where this energy was coming from but it was no joke. She took a deep breath and laid back. When the next contraction came she pushed down. The nurse checked her and the baby head was right there.

"One more good push like that and we will have the baby." The nurse said to us.

"Alright baby give this one all you got. I'm ready to see my Royalty." Maurice said.

Legacy pushed down and out came the baby. All you heard was crying from the baby and Legacy. I tried not to cry but tears fell down my cheek. My baby girl was here. They gave me the scissors to cut the cord. After I did that they took her and cleaned her up.

I couldn't believe it. I was was dad. This was the happiest day of my life. Besides finding out that we was about to be parents. The nurse walked over and gave me the baby. I kissed her forehead and smile. As she held my finger with her little fingers I couldn't help but smile.

"Baby girl. Daddy is gonna take care of you and nobody I mean nobody will harm you. Daddy got you." Maurice said.

Legacy laid back and looked at Chris and Royalty. She smiles and lay her head on the pillow. She was exhausted from pushing the baby out. The nurse cleaned Legacy up and walked out. Chris sat in the chair and held the baby with a big smile on his face. He talked to her and kept kissing her. After a while they came and got the baby to run test on her to make sure she was healthy. Chris sat there and watched Legacy sleep. His cell phone rings.

"Yo?" Chris said as he answered the phone.

"Y'all ok back there? You never called me or came back out to the lobby. Is the baby ok? Legacy?" August asked Chris concerned.

"Yeah. They both are fine. She is so beautiful man. She looks just like me. Legacy did that like a champ. She's asleep now and the nurses got the baby." Chris informed August.

"Oh that's what's up man. Congratulations is at hand. We will just get at you later man. The ladies are tired. So we bout to head out. Everyone said they will come and see the baby later." August said to Chris as they all started getting up to leave.

"That's cool. Thank y'all for coming with us. Y'all could have stayed and watched the game." Chris said.

"No way man. If it was me I know you would have came too." August said back to Chris.

"Damn right I would. I'll call you later though. I'm gonna check on the baby." Chris said.

"Aight. Just hit me if you need anything." August said walking out the building.

"I will. Thanks again bro." Chris said as he hung up the phone.

Chris leaned over and kissed Legacy forehead and walked to the door to go to the nursery. As he walked out he walked to the desk and asked for directions to the nursery. The nurse told him how to get there and he walked down the hall to go see his baby. When he got there he saw them working with his daughter. He smiled as they weighed her. He took pics of her and he felt the tears coming back to his eyes again. He dialed his mom number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hey baby. Did y'all have my baby yet?" Rissa said to Chris.

"Yes mama we did. I'm looking at her now. She is so beautiful. She looks just like me." Chris said to his mom.

"Aww. Our genes are strong. So I figured that. Send me some pictures." Rissa said.

"I'm way ahead of you. Check your phone ma." Chris said to her.

The phone got silent for a minute. Then Rissa sniffled.

"Awww my baby. She is so adorable. I can't wait to hold her. How is Legacy doing?" Rissa asked Chris.

"She's asleep. But she is good." Chris replies.

"Now Chris you need to do right by this baby and her mother. Even if you don't make it keep a relationship open where y'all can co parent."

"Yes mama I know. I am. Can we not talk about this right now? I just want to enjoy the fact that my baby is born and is healthy." Chris expressed to his mama.

"Fine. But you remember what I said. I'll come later today and see y'all." Rissa said to Chris.

"Ok mama. I love you. I'll talk to you later. I'm bout to go check on Legacy." Chris said as he walked down the hall back to the room.

As Chris walked in the room Legacy was up getting checked by the nurse. Chris came and sat down next to the bed in his chair. After the nurse left out Chris sat on the bed next to her.

"Are you ok? How are you feeling baby?" Chris asked.

"I'm fine. How's the baby?" Legacy asked.

"She's fine. I just left her. She's so adorable. She looks just like me. I love her so much already. Thank you for giving me my baby girl." Chris said as he leaned down and kissed her lips.

"Thank you. Welcome to fatherhood baby." Legacy said with a slight smile on her face.

Rissa Brown

They so cute!!!!!

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They so cute!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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