Chapter 12

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The Losers had made their way to the center of the spiked structure, all looking a little worse for wear. Mike had been carrying a leather-bound container of some sort, which he set down in the middle as they formed a circle around it.

You and Pennywise had hidden yourselves among the surrounding rocks, watching and listening intently to what was occurring. Pennywise's features were hard as he gauged the humans with a cold and calculated stare.

Mike had begun explaining the steps of something called the Ritual of Chüd as he created a small fire inside of the container. Slowly after that, the Losers began tossing strange objects into the fire, explaining what the object meant to them.

Turning to Pennywise, you silently asked him if he was familiar with this ritual and what the repercussions were. He growled in return, his anger projecting from his mind. You only caught fragments of thoughts where he blamed a giant turtle named Maturin. It wasn't the first time you had seen this creature in his mind, but the turtle remained a mystery, as Pennywise clearly had no intention of discussing him. All you knew was that this creature was powerful.

Breaking your concentration into Pennywise's thoughts, a sudden pain shot through your body, and Pennywise's too by the way his form shook. Looking at the Losers, you saw that they had joined hands and were chanting loudly, causing a reaction from the leather container.

Moments later, the ceiling opened up and the Deadlights were floating down, closer and closer towards the Losers, the light growing more faint.

The Losers were killing you--snuffing out the Deadlights, and in turn, yours and Pennywise's life source. Turning to your mate, you not only saw the pained expression on his face, but you felt his anguish as he struggled to maintain his composure, not wanting to appear weak.

A whimper fell from your lips as your knees buckled beneath you. Before you could hit the ground, Pennywise caught you, lifting you up so that he could support you, but you could tell that he was struggling, and he was soon going to be at his breaking point.

Something in you snapped then. Seeing your mate struggle for life awoke something inside of you. Pennywise had always been an all-powerful being--seemingly incapable of dying or becoming gravely injured. And yet, there he was, using all of his strength to hold the two of you up, still not giving in.

This was it. This was the moment that you had been dreading. And you needed to make a choice.

Richie and the rest of the Losers were the only things that were keeping you attached to your mortal life. Eventually, they would be gone, and all that would remain was both you and Pennywise. Their lives were finite, and there was nothing that you could do to change that. You might be able to prolong the inevitable as long as you could, but in the end, they would fall among the weeds.

Pennywise was your future. Regardless of the fact that he infuriated you, and your entire relationship started out as a game filled with lies, deceit, manipulation, and death--you still loved him more deeply than you had ever loved anyone or anything. If you could venture a guess as you why you supposed it was due to the darkness inside of you that had connected you from the beginning.

Despite the fact that he had done unspeakable things to you--absolutely awful, unforgivable things... it didn't break you. It was obvious from the start that your relationship wasn't traditional by any means. In fact, one might go so far as to say that your entire relationship was toxic and maybe even doomed from the start. Still, you would give your life for him, and you knew that he would give his in return.

Your future together was frightening. Actually, it was downright terrifying. To think about the fact that you would live literally forever was almost unfathomable, and it was something that your human mind would never be able to comprehend. But, with Pennywise by your side, you were prepared to venture into the unknown and embrace wherever this path led you.

It came down to whether or not you would sacrifice the life of you and your mate to protect Richie and his friends--and quite possibly the rest of humanity within Derry. You had to choose between the two, and you had to do it now.

So, you did. You chose to embrace what you are rather than trying to hang on to who you were.

The Dark Of You: Sequel to What Lies BeneathWhere stories live. Discover now