Chapter One: Reunited

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It was a sunny Friday afternoon in Newcastle. And Charlie was due to arrive back home from her travels. She'd been gone for almost a year now. Seeing the sights and wonders of Ecuador, Peru and last but not least, the Galapagos Islands, but it was time for her to come back home. On the plane, Charlie was sat in her seat by the window. Unfortunately, she was having to sit next to a woman who'd fallen asleep and was snoring like mad. But Charlie, being Charlie, didn't let it bother her too much, and continued writing in her journal, the one Alex gave to her as a leaving gift before she went away. The journal was almost full. Full of writing, and a few drawings. A small photograph of Charlie and Alex was stuck on the last page. A few other photos of her Grandad, her Gran, and the DG gang. But prominently, it was her Grandad and Alex. She finished off writing and closed the journal. An announcement came on letting the passengers on the plane know they'll be arriving at Newcastle International Airport shortly. Charlie got her phone out and started texting. As soon as she'd finished, she smiled and looked out the window of the plane. 

Alex was now living with his mum, sister, and step-dad, and had been doing so for about 6 months. He did use to have his own place, but after it sprung a leak while he was at work one day, he ended up having to move out and live somewhere else temporally. Alex was in his bedroom putting his shoes on, and his jacket. Getting ready to go meet Charlie at the airport. They were planning on meeting up later, but Alex thought he'd go surprise her at the gate. He stood in front of the mirror and tidied his hair. Making sure he looked alright. His emotions were quite mixed, he was excited seeing Charlie again, but at the same time, he was rather nervous. He looked down at his phone to check the time, it was 15:02. Just under half-an-hour until Charlie's plane was due to land. He grabbed his wallet, put it in his jacket pocket along with his phone and headed downstairs. He came out the front door, to find Aileen and Alice just arriving back home from shopping. They got out of the car as soon as Alex closed the front door behind him. Aileen smiles at Alex.

Where are you sneaking off too?

I'm meeting Charlie at the airport.

Don't you mean your girlfriend?

Alex gives Alice a warning look, she just grins back.

Oh, of course. She's due back today, isn't she? Well, would you like a lift?

Nah, you're alright.

Alex gives his mum a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving.

Are you sure? Because I don't mind...

Yeah. See you later.

Will you be back for tea?

I'll let you know!

Alex is practically half-way down the street now, Aileen shook her head, smiling, then goes to the car boot, and opens it to bring the shopping in, Alice gives her a hand.

He so fancies her.

Alice, darling, don't wind him up like that.

But he does!

Aileen gives her daughter a slight grin as if to say "I agree". And glances back at her son walking down the street.

Alex was nearing the end of the street now and stops off at the corner shop. He picks up a bunch of flowers, pays for them and leaves whilst putting the flowers in a carrier bag. As soon as he leaves the shop, there's a taxi parked outside waiting, Alex gets in.

Where to, mate?

Airport, please.

The taxi driver starts the engine. Alex puts his belt on, just as his phone makes a noise, he looks at it. It's a message from Charlie saying:

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