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-Oliver POV-

Len has been chatting with Utatane the whole time. Oh good, he’s coming back over now. “Len! Helpme! They want us to sing for them!” I whispered.

“WHAT?! WHY?” he hissed back in surprise.

“I mentioned that we were part of the advanced music programme, and now they want to hear us!”

“Ok, ok… Um-let’s sing Error or something. Quick, they’re looking a bit impatient,” he suggested.

“Ok, let’s go.”

We started. “Mieru? Kono me no namida…” (A/N: IM SORRY I HAD TO DO THAT I <3 ERROR >///<)




-Piko POV-

As Len walked away, I let out a small smile of relief. Wow, I’m so glad I didn’t creep him out for all eternity. I looked back over at the two boys talking to eachother. They seemed agitated, but they broke off their conversation and turned towards my family. They started to sing- I realised, with a jolt, that I knew this song. My parents’ jaws had dropped, and so did mine, as we all listened. Their voices were amazing-Oliver’s soft, but high, and Len’s stronger and a little deeper. I couldn’t help clapping when they finished, and my parents smiled and joined in.

“That was amazing, boys! Piko-kun here is musical as well, so I can see he will fit right in here!” my mum said to Len and Oliver. I blushed and nodded, my hair hiding my face. Goddamn parents…so embarrassing. I noticed Len looking at me, smiling slightly. I bet he’s laughing at how shy I am.

Well, I can’t help it! It’s just how I am!  And now he’s whispering to Oliver. I thought, maybe, just maybe, I would have a few friends here. But evidently not.

-Len POV-

As Piko blushed, I smiled involuntarily at his cute reaction. Wait, WHAT? Oh, it’s been a long day, I’m tired-of course I’m going to have a few strange thoughts. I whispered in Oliver’s ear, “Let’s take them out. We’re done.” He nodded, and began leading the parents away. I followed, hoping to say goodbye to Piko before he left. As I walked towards him, he must’ve heard my footsteps approaching, for he looked back over his shoulder. But instead of slowing down to talk, an expression of hurt and anger crossed his face, and he hurried off to join his parents.

Huh? I slowed down, letting Oliver say goodbye to the parents. As they left, I watched from the doorway, an inexplicable sadness welling up inside me and threatening to burst from my eyes. I turned and ran to the security of the deserted library, tears pouring down my face as I recalled Piko’s expression. He must have thought I was laughing at him and his shyness. I thought we could have been friends. We would have been-if I hadn’t smiled.

Why do I care so much? I don’t know-well, I do. It’s because I had fallen in love with a boy I had known for an hour, a boy with white hair and a shy smile- a boy named Utatane Piko.

A/N: Well, wasn’t that kawaii. (I hope lol) Sorry it was so long, I needed to reach a particular point in the story… Error is the best Vocaloid song ever, especially VY2 Yuma’s cover. Watch it… *stares at chu creepily* XD Btw I’m not familiar with the American or Japanese school system so this story is set in Japan but it’s the English school system if that makes sense. Wow its pitch black out and it’s only 6:30pm 0.o

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