Chapter 9

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-Piko POV-

Two days later

Things have been even more awkward between me and Len lately, ever since he confessed to me (if you could call it that) and I don’t know what to think. To be honest, I have had crushes on other boys before, but I wouldn’t say I loved them. And I don’t know if Len was even serious when he told me. But he was almost crying. You can’t really fake that kind of emotion, can you?

He’s cute. And kind.  And protective.  And just so comforting. (A/N: GIVE IN TO THE SHIP PIKO YOU CANNOT RESIST).

Damn it. I think I’m falling for him.

But how far will I fall?

And should I tell him?

I can see how unhappy he is, not knowing. I think he really does love me. I let a small smile creep over my face. No-one ever said that to me before, not even my parents. To them I’m just a nuisance that they only bother sending to school in the hope that I’ll get a job and move out.

I chewed on a strand of silver hair that had fallen across my face, as I doodled in my book, not really paying attention to what the ink was forming. When I looked down, I saw a sketchy figure that is unmistakably Len. I rolled my eyes at myself, smiling inwardly. Jeez, I’m creepy.

After class, by the lockers

I attempted to shove yet another million textbooks into my already overflowing locker, and just as I managed to close the metal door, I felt a hand gently touch my shoulder. I turned around, and was surprised to see Len standing there, holding out a slightly crumpled piece of paper.  “This is yours, I think. I found it on the floor outside the classroom,” he said quietly. I looked at it, and realised that it was the crappy little doodle I did of him earlier. I wanted to disappear into the floor as I reached out and took it. “Thanks!” He nodded and turned to leave. I watched his slim frame vanish into the crowd, and looked again at the drawing. Underneath the picture, someone had written “You’re good at drawing. L.K.” Len. I smiled at his sweetness, and tucked the picture into my pocket, before running in the direction he had gone, barging through the river of people flowing down the hall. At last I saw the familiar golden head with its little ponytail, and I ran up behind Len and grabbed his hand.

“Hu-uh?!” Len twisted round, and then relaxed when he saw who it was. I smiled at him, and he returned the smile, although his eyes were still sad. “Thank you for writing that on the drawing. It was the first nice thing someone’s said to me for a while.”

“I don’t believe that,” he replied.

“Nope, entirely true,” I said. “Len- I-I-I” I put my hands over my face, trying to compose myself. To my surprise, I felt him hug me again, and I hesitantly wrapped my arms around him. He gently rested his chin on the crown of my head, and I think that there was never anyone that felt safer than I did then.  I raised my courage, and lifted my head and whispered “I love you, Len-kun.”

He looked down at me, his eyes widening as his brain computed what I had said. “Y-you do? Really?”

“Yes, really. I love you.”

The sadness in his eyes had flown away, and they were wide, almost brimming over with disbelief and happiness. He put his hands on either side of my head and gently kissed me, right in the middle of the corridor. I smiled against his lips and kissed back, heart pounding, fireworks exploding in my brain. We drew apart and looked into eachother’s happy eyes. “I love you,” Len whispered. I blushed and said, “I love you too.”

I looked around and saw that a circle of students and teachers had formed around us, smiling. Right at the front was Len’s friend Oliver, holding a camera and wearing the biggest smile of all. “I knew you guys could do it!” he yelled. Len laughed, and so did I. I swear, I have never felt so happy in my entire life. And when Len’s hand closed around mine, I knew that I would never want anything more than this.

A/N: there is nothing I can say except apologize for how truly shit I am at kissing scenes XD

Next chapter is de last chapter 0.o

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