Chapter Twenty-Five

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That was it. I confessed my feelings and the prom went on as it should've. Students and their dates got photographed, they drank punch, (Maisie may have spiked said punch) they danced, and some lined up against the walls awkwardly staring at the people who danced.

Among those who danced were Sabrina and Parker.

It was as if I'd said nothing to Sabrina at all.

Anna mingled on the dance floor while I joined the ranks of the people along the wall and stared off into space, hoping that I didn't look at pathetic as I felt. How could I have forgotten about a critical concept of the prom? Dancing. It didn't look appealing in the slightest. What was fun about moving your limbs in weird angles and jumping up and down. Hello, that's what the gym was for and who actually enjoyed going to the gym?

Anna hadn't yet twisted my arm about my promise to have one dance with her, and I wasn't going to go ahead and remind her any time soon.

It wasn't long before someone joined me, holding out a drink for me to take.

Maisie sighed dramatically. "We find ourselves watching the girls we love dancing with each other and not us again."

"Let's not watch then," I suggested, leaning my shoulder against the wall to look at her instead.

"You know, it's a shame that we don't have feelings for each other. Could have saved everyone the heartbreak."

"I'm not heartbroken," I said, finally taking the drink from her hands.

"The last time I offered you a drink, you said no. This time you took it. Something's wrong with your heart. Trust me. I'm an expert."

"You said to do something about it, and I did."

"You confessed to her?"

"I did."

"I really wasn't expecting that, considering how our date went. Props to you. How did it go? Wait. You're standing here beside me. That's my answer. Aw, Sam, I'm sorry."

"No, don't be sorry. She promised to speak about it with me later."

"Ouch." Maisie chugged back her drink. "I guess they do have a façade to keep up."

I nodded along as she spoke. "They do."

She scoffed. "At least you have a chance with her even if it's not right here and now. Even if it is a secret."

"How do you know that you don't have a chance with Parker?"

"Because, Sam, something would have happened by now."

"Well . . ." I gestured all around the room, indicating to the numerous arrows and hearts. "It's taken me five years to get my head out of my ass to do something about Sabrina. There's no time better to shoot your shot then right now. It's better to have said something than nothing at all."

"You're giving me this advice even when you're all moody?"

"I'm not moody."

"You're in the darkest part of the gym. Alone."

"I know how Sabrina feels about me. Tonight's special for her. I wouldn't expect her to suddenly fall into my arms because I decided to put on my big girl pants and admit what we both knew how I felt for her."

"Would have been a nice surprise though."

I nodded to the pair that were dancing together. "How could I expect her to drop something she worked hard to get? That I helped her to do? She waited for me; Now I can wait for her."

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