Part 4

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We entered the house and went to my room "cool room" he told me "thanks" was all i said then he made his way to the polaroid wall "whos that" he asked pointing to a picture of me and a boy "that's Isaac one of my exes, I only have 2 exes. And we ended up on good turns, we didn't fight or anything we just agreed that we aren't ready for a relationship so we just ended on good terms" I said and he nodded and then he looked over to another picture with me and another boy "who's that" "thats actually my second ex boyfriend his name is thomas we used to date, never actually broke up officially" i told him holding back the tears "why's that" he asked "he died" i said turning around to not face him he turned me back around and hugged me i hugged him back "can you tell me what happened, you dont have to, but its better if u talk about it, you cant keep it in forever, you'll keep on hurting" and that honestly is true, if held it in forever and in still heart its been 1 and a half year since the accident "okay well, let me start from the beginning, he was depressed before we dated because his mom died then we started dating and he was starting to get better until his grandma died and everything happened again its like a life cycle for him, then he got better after a while, then he got depressed again i didnt know why, he didnt want me to know, then after a couple of days we argued and not only him became more hurt but also me, i was in a serious bad state of mind, then i called him telling him i wanna make up he told me he misses me and that we should meet at a cafe, it was 7 at night so when i went to the cafe he wasn't there then I received a call from the hospital telling me he got to a care accident and that he was trying to call me before it happened, i went to the hospital, and he has been in a coma for a couple of months till the nurse made it official" i didnt even realize i have been crying the hold time he hugged me again, i start sobbing "its okay, its okay" he said in a whisper "it just hurts, imagine dating for someone for 2 years then argue and then just never see them again" i said still crying "i know it hurts bonnie" he told me
Soon enough i calmed down and we started talking then my phone went off
Joshrichards have tagged you in a post
I looked at him and he shrugged



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Shes cute🥺

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"oh my god JOSH" he chuckled and ran away knowing I'd chase him "josh richards come back here" i yelled I could here him chuckle then i felt a strong grip hold me and i turned around seeing a smirking josh, he put me on his shoulders and through me on the living room couch he started tickling me "josh-STOP-PLEAZE-IT-TICKLES" i said in between laughs "whats the magic word?" He asks "please" i ask no he continues "HAHHAH UHM SORRY" i ask again and he continues "SMILEY JOSHY" then he stops "took you long enough" we started laughing

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