Part 5

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Me and josh stayed together until it was time for him to go, we had so much fun and hes so sweet, but while he was here i saw a post of my ex best friend crying so i wanted to wait for him to go home so i can do something without him asking, he finally did go home not that i didnt want him to stay but i had to do something so posted on Twitter this


I dont care what terms we end/ended up on, if i ever told you i'd always be there for you, I meant it


User1: cute

User2: your so sweet

JoshRichards; you here for me?
>Bonniiee: hmmm

User75: why is josh here?

Nessa: can i text you?
>Bonniiee: of course
>user66; wait aren't they in a huge fight?
>> user5: user66 uhm didnt you read the tweet?

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I need someone to talk to...

Talk to me

Uhm well my boyfriend he uhm cheated on me with my best friend

Oh my god im so sorry

Its okay

Well do u wanna meet?

If u dont mind

Ofc i dont mine bb

And im sorry for when we fought

No its all good dw

Where should we meet?

Uhm park?


C ya


Joshs pov

Im on my way to anthonys house, and as i enter the house anthony comes out of no where and he tells me "YOU REALLY WENT TO HER HOUSE" i jumped out of the way he came "GOD ANTHONY WHERE DID U COME FROM?" he looked at me like im stupid "bro just tell me what happened" and i told him everything that happened "OOOOOH SOMEONE HAS A CRUSHY CRUSH" he yelled and i hit my head with my hand "dude we just met, theres no way i like her-" i told him abd he shrugged "you know theres this thing called 'love at first sight' you probably dont know what that is im just putting it out there for you" i looked at him with the biggest death stair at all time "Ahahaha dont look at me like that" i kept staring at him "DUDE YOUR CREEPY" he said getting up and i laughed "i know what love at first sight means you dickhead" and now its his turn to look at me with a death stare "no, u dont look at me like that only i look at you like that" i told him and he stopped "okay, not because im scared of u or anything its because your creepy" he told me "yea yea keep telling ur self that, but im serious can i already like her within less that 24 hours" i ask "it happens to the best of us" he told me as he patted my shoulders and walked away "im gonna fucking kill you anthony reeves" i said in a whisper "HEARD THAT" was what he said and i laughed at his stupidity


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