Islam: God of Hate.

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You know what… It always makes me wonder when someone says that “the God of Islam is the God of hatred, for example…” you know something, we do not have a God of hatred, what we do have is a fantastic, fantastic, balance and you really, really need a balance, I’ll give you an example:

There was this one time a Christian person who I heard him saying (he was really confused) “that God is love and our God is the God of love”, I then reply saying that “our God is also the God of love and God is a loving God who loves us as well.” To which he replies and says “I do not understand as to how he loves people and then burns them in the hell fire, what kind of love is this, why would you love someone then burn them in the hell fire?” He’s asking a good question, but do you know what the problem is? This question stems from no balance because they are saying “God loves everybody, if you’re a sinner, God loves you.”, If he loves you why does he take you to the hell fire?

In Islam we have it differently, we have a wonderful balance, contrary to popular beliefs we do not have this hate actually... But what we do have is we have certain people who Allah loves, there are certain righteous people that Allah loves and then they are certain people whom did not earn the love of Allah, they did not earn the love of Allah. For example, Allah does not love a murderer; someone who is a mass murderer who does not repent, you know, whilst also committing shirk, doing all kinds of wicked things, Allah does not love a rapist, Allah does not love someone who is a Mushrik, and a liar and things like that.

Allah does not love all these people unconditionally but to gain the love of Allah you would have to do certain things but if you do not do them then you are not loved by him so that’s why in Islam you see this balance.

So what is the proof then that Allah loves? That the God of Islam is a loving God?

Firstly, one of the names of Allah Azza Wajal is that he is “Al-Wadud” which means “The Loving One”, that he is loved and that he loves as well. Now if we start to think about that, if he was the God of hatred, or hate, then why would one of his names be The Loving One? That does not make any sense, not only that but you see many time in The Qur’an that it says “Allah loves… (And you see a description of people)”, but I want to focus on one, which is really, really amazing. Allah says in The Qur’an:

“Verily Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves”


So, wait a minute… How can you be someone who is always repenting? As in order to always repent you would have to always… sin, am I right? You can’t always repent if you’re not sinning right, as If you do not make any mistake whatsoever, what are you repenting from? So in order to always be repenting, you would have to always be sinning, so that means really that you can be sinning and Allah can love you as long as you always repent, does that sound like a God of Hate?

That he would love people who always sin as long as they always repent, no of course not, as that really, really, sounds like a very loving God, who else would love someone who sins all the time? But so as long as they repent all the time, they are loved by Allah. That is amazing.

So overall one of his names is Al-Wadud. The Loving One. The One who loves and the one who is loved, and he loves a lot of type of people which are described in The Qur’an many times, but the love of Allah isn’t unconditional, you can’t be a murderer and a Mushrik, someone who commits shirk  and worships idols and then claim that “Allah loves me as well” which leaves us back to the problem we had in the beginning which was when the Christian said ‘If God loves me, why is he taking me to the hell fire?’

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