Islam: Barbaric Sharia.

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So the question is, is the Sharia barbaric?

First of all why does this accusation come up to begin with? Why do people come up with this accusation concerning the Sharia of Allah Azza Wajal? And sometimes the answer has to do with how we market the Sharia; for example, the following is a true story.

In one of the Muslim countries, one of the presidents, he, said “we are going to bring the Sharia, we are going to cut off hands; we are going to cut off feet” So you can see that is the only way he marketed the Sharia by mentioning the scariest part of it and there is so many other gentle and sweet parts of the Sharia about how there is going to be no corruption, how the poor will be taken care of, and so on, regarding justice and equality.

These are all a part of the Sharia, but why does this president market the Sharia with just the scariest part? As we do not do the same thing with any other system; for example, in a democracy, in America for example, they have the Electric Chair, they have lethal injections, and gas chambers, as these are the ways the state executes people.

We do not hear any western president promoting democracy by mentioning the punishment, or the scariest part of it. And basically it’s kind of like saying “there’s a palace, a very, very beautiful palace, it has a wonderful and very beautiful interior but in the surrounding of the palace perhaps there is a moat or an electric fence, the boundaries are scary but the palace inside is beautiful.” So do you judge the beauty of the palace by the severity, or by how scary the boundaries are?

This is exactly what the Sharia is like, Sharia is beautiful, and it’s a very fair system which takes care of everyone, whether they are the orphans, the poor, and the old. But the boundaries of Allah you do not come near them, and they are designed to be scary.

So now let’s look at a number of things as because of the prescribed punishments a lot of people may think that the Sharia you know might be barbaric or something like that but if you were to look at it carefully you would see that it is far, far, far from being so, that it’s far from being barbaric because if you was to look at for example, let’s take the punishment for fornication, in a Islamic court to actually testify  against someone for committing that sin it is almost impossible as the stipulations are impossible to meet and in the history of Islam there has not been a single case where four witnesses have brought forth a case against someone who committed Zina, most of the cases; they are a very few cases were the person who committed Zina or fornication testifying against their own selves.

So let’s examine the following in the Sharia is there like a blood quota for example in the Muslim court, is there like a blood quota that has to be met every day? Is there in the Sharia system a demand for blood, does the Caliphate wake up and say “how many people are being killed today, we need some more blood!” Is this a part of the Sharia? If you were to look into this you would find the opposite as the stipulations and conditions for witnessing against someone for fornication are so strict that there they are actually impossible to meet and the only way to actually meet them would be to testify against yourself and even if one was to do so it is strongly discouraged in Islam to not do such a thing as testifying against yourself even in an Islamic court.

Al-Hasan Al-Basri; a famous scholar/preacher of Islam would ask someone “have you stolen?” then he would tell the person “say no.” because he doesn’t want the person to testify against himself and we see in many, many Hadith and teachings of the companions and others that show this is the case.

Muhammad [PBUH] said in a Hadith narrated in Muslim, Azam, Ahmad and Abu Dawud and An Nas’i, ‘deal out or settle an issue between your self’s because if it reaches me (and that’s the equivalent of reaching an Islamic court) then I would have to implement the law as I cannot change the law’ so we see in this Hadith encouragement to settle the issue among yourself and do not bring it to an Islamic court, likewise, there is a statement from the companions from before; they used to say that ‘whoever has done a sin in secret then let him repent in secret and whoever makes it public then let him repent publically as well’ so you see here again, more encouragement to keep things to themselves, so if the Sharia was barbaric, if the Sharia wanted blood, then these people would be brought to court, or dragged to court and they would be told to turn themselves in and get punished but the Sharia does not want to punish people.

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