Islam: Intolerance.

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Religious Intolerance. A lot of times we are accused of it, “Muslim’s being intolerant” and so on and so forth, but you know let us really be fair, do you know historically many times when the Jews would be persecuted in Christian lands, do you know where they would go? They would go to Muslim lands because they know that over there will they will have the right to worship, open their synagogues’ and be Jews without being persecuted.

What’s weird about this is we do not get any credit for that; we do not get any thanks either… We should shouldn’t we?

So this is the history of Islam which is a very tolerant religion and as far as scriptures are concerned (don’t sight me one incident where some guy violated someone else’s rights and tell me see Islam is intolerant) because in the scriptures and teaching you would see much tolerance and you will not find any injustice done to any person whatsoever.

We all know in The Qur’an in Surat Al-Baqarah (The Cow) - سورة البقرة– Chapter 2, Verse 256, Allah, says:

“Let there be no compulsion in religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong.”


You cannot force anyone to become a Muslim, you cannot force anyone to do things like fasting in Ramadan; so we have this rule, so where do we see this idea of not tolerating other persons? You know something the whole idea of Islam being spread by the sword is laughable as the verse 256 goes clearly against that and shows that cannot have been the case.

So where do we get the idea that Islam is not tolerant? Let me tell you something, for people to disagree and for me to say that I am right and you are wrong, that does not mean I am intolerant because if you consider the fact that most religions they are this way anyway, most religions see that they are correct and the other person is wrong otherwise they wouldn’t be a religion and if I felt that you and me are exactly the same and my religion and yours have absolutely no difference then I wouldn’t be pertaining to any one of the religions and that if a person is a Christian and they believe that Christianity is correct and the Jews and Muslims are wrong.

A Jewish person may believe that the Christians are wrong along with the Buddhist and Muslims and they think they are the only one that is right, this shows that it follows naturally that people would believe there ways are correct, so if I believe my way is correct and I see you as a non-believer in my religion that does not make me intolerant whatsoever; even the word Kefir or Kafir does not show intolerance because the word Kafir, really means “a non-believer” that’s what it really means and it’s as simple as that, there is no negative connotations to it and it’s not an insult whatsoever but do you know the word heathen that’s an insult and it’s very insulting because heathen has a dirty, dirty connotation to it but the word Kafir does not have that.

A lot of people would say “no, no, no, Kafir is a bad word” when it means “not a believer”. Some non-Muslims would want to say that these people [Muslims] call non-Muslims Kafir and that’s an insult and that makes them intolerant, just say to them it means “you’re not a believer in my faith, maybe just as how you would see me as a non-believer in your faith.”

Moving on, Let’s talk about something which is better than tolerance, because I can tolerate a headache, for example, I can get a really bad headache but I tolerate it, that’s not what we’re asking for here though, that we should tolerate each other but we can’t stand each other or we hate each other but we still tolerate each other and that’s not what Islam would say, as in Islam we understand each other, for example,  in order to mutually and peacefully coexist, we just need to understand each other, we do not have to agree whatsoever and this is a common mistake made in many interfaith dialogues, they believe that we have to agree, no, we can however, start with the common points in which we agree from and that is fine but we do not have to agree fully at the end of the day.

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