Chapter 15:Sick

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The door opened, as the light hit the bed, soft sniffs could be heard from under the sheets, William sighs, walking close to the bed, his footsteps echoed through the room, making Chris whimper and sob, shaking in despair, while the man sits on the bed
William puts the plate on his lap, watching his boy getting sicker just by having him around, he watched his son from the cameras he have around the place, Chris was sick for sure, he just didn't know what it was and why it got worse when he was close to him, even having Alex around wasn't helping anymore

"Son..." The man starts, passing his hand on the boy's head, who shrinks and whines "you have to eat something, sweetie..."

"I want big brother and uncle Vincent" He stutters, curling himself into a tight ball

"Chris, you'll get worse if you don't eat anything" William puts the plate on the bedside table, taking the blanket away and resting his hand on Chris's head, yanking it right away "you're sweating cold-" before he could finish his sentence, the boy throwned up right in front of him "look at that, pure gastric juice...that's not healthy for you"

"It hurts..." The blond coughs, holding his stomach, after some seconds the boy widened his eyes

He was in a bed, in the middle of a completely white room, his shoulder was burning, the smell of his own blood getting inside his nose and rubbing the walls of his skin, he felt sick, the recent food he was given getting back through his throat and getting out by his mouth and nose, making it burn lighter then his shoulder, the feeling of death himself he assumed

"Are you sure she did it by herself, Mr.Afton?" He heard by his room's door, the boy didn't know why he was awake that time in the morning, at least he didn't remember the reason

"I'm completely sure, chief Buck. I woke up by my son's screams, when I got to check what was happening...i found her there" His screaming? But he was sleeping, he didn't remember about himself screaming, was his dad lying?

The blond tiptoed to the bathroom, slowly opening the door, his first reaction was to throw up right there, the woman he looked up to his whole life was dead, right in front of him, coughing and sobbing, he heard footsteps getting closer-

Chris felt dizzy, not holding back any strength left in his body, he passed out of tiredness, making his father quickly get him on his lap, holding his head close to his chest, most specifically close to his heart

"Oh, Chris..." William croons, kissing his head softly, scared he would damage his scar "...what disease you developed in the time I was in jail?" He sighs, heart broken at his boy's conditions

"Mister..." An artificial voice whispers, earning a grown from his creator, but soon getting a soft chuckle

"Alex, are the nightmares on?" The man asks, placing Chris on the bed

"Uhm...yes" he stutters, taken back by his question

"Send them to pay a little visit to my elder son"

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