BOTW Link x Reader - Summer Nights

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A.N: Another BOTW one but hey what can you expect when it's all I'm playing right now 😅

The air was cooler than it had been during the day, but still warm enough that you didn't feel the need to nestle under any form of covering atop your makeshift bed. The thin blanket spread out underneath you provided ample comfort for you to rest as you lay on your back, gazing up at the stars.

It was the first night that the sky had seemed so clear in weeks, every possible celestial object visible against a backdrop of void. You hummed contentedly to yourself as you tried to make out specific constellations.

Beside you, your travelling partner Link sat fiddling with a blade from one of his assortment of weapons. It had started to come apart from the hilt so he was performing necessary repairs. The soft clang of the metal every so often would stir you from your thoughts.

A soft breeze began to blow, whistling past with an ethereal melody- as if lost spirits were making their voices heard through the air. It was hauntingly beautiful and you found yourself almost wanting to hum along. The breeze passed through loose strands of your hair, gently tickling the sides of your face and a warm smile began to grace your features.

This had to be the calmest you had felt in months, the pressure of being on a mission to save Hyrule having started to creep up on you with every passing moment. To be at peace with nature like this was one of the many reasons you enjoyed camping out instead of taking refuge in an inn- especially when the weather proved as delightful as it had on this night. The serenity of a summer night was truly one of the best ways to put your mind at ease.

When your partner's words broke through the almost-silence you snapped away from your thoughts and turned to him.

"I'm worried..."

"About what?" You ask, tilting your head to denote your confusion. It wasn't like Link to be worried about anything, he was always so brave.

"Everything. All the stuff we have to do, there's so much riding on us getting this right," his voice softened, "on me getting this right."

You could see his eyes in pain as you studied his face. His brows had furrowed and a small frown had possessed his lips.

This wasn't the Link you knew at all.

You knew not everyone could be perfect all the time, it's what made everyone special. You had just never imagined you would ever see Link in the way you did right now, his glistening cerulean eyes brimming with tears threatening to spill at any moment. If you looked closer you could see a ghost of a tremble taking control of his body.

Sitting up carefully, you reached over and placed a hand on his knee. You let out a smile, not quite sure of what else to do to help. "It's going to be okay."

"I just don't want to fail again..."

"You won't."

"But what if I do?" He asked, looking directly into your eyes now. "What if I fall again just like I did the first time?"

With a small sigh you repeated yourself, a little more forcefully. "You won't. You'll win this time, because you've prepared yourself for it. We've got the Divine Beasts again and you have a ton of extra fighting practice and experience behind you."

He turned away from you, brushing your hand away from him. You frowned.

"That means nothing when I'm facing something so dangerous." His soft blonde hair, having been taken down from its usual ponytail, was falling in front of his eyes as he spoke. It cast shadows across his face as if to emphasise his mood.

"It means everything, Link, because you know what to do this time around. I believe in you."

Your words were true, you absolutely believed in him. He was more than capable of winning the battle that was around the corner and he also knew that, he just seemed to be doubting himself. It seemed, however, that your words struck a chord within him.

"You do?" He turned back towards you, eyes almost returning to their usual dazzle.

"Of course I do!" You exclaimed, shuffling so you were sat directly in front of him. "You're the only person with the capability to do this and you absolutely will succeed."

You saw him smile and you could have sworn your heart melted at the sight. The smile was infectious, soon spreading across your features as well. Both of you sat in silence for a few moments, letting him calm down as he wiped his face and sniffled.

"Thank you," he let his hand find yours. "I needed that."

"I'm always here for you, Link. You know you're never alone with this," you admitted. He squeezed your hand softly and you looked down to see your fingers interlaced with his.

"And that's the reason I'll be able to win this time round. I have you."


You let the silence fall back over you again, the calm from before returning to your mind as you took in the feeling of the breeze flowing through the air. As the two of you stayed where you were, both sat cross-legged in front of eachother with hands entwined. Blue eyes remained locked with (e/c) and you could have sworn even time itself stood still for you.

The gentle sound of woodland creatures scuffling about in the underbrush, searching for a comfortable space to rest, filled your ears and helped you to regulate your breathing as your heart picked up in pace. In this moment, you felt like you could absorb the atmosphere forever.

"I'm so glad I have you," Link confessed, absentmindedly leaning a little closer to you. You subconsciously mimicked his actions, shortening the distance by mere centimetres.

It was enough to make a difference, however, as your breath hitched in your stomach, your eyes darted away before looking right back at him and you repeated what you had said before.


In an instant, the distance closed as he wrapped his free arm around your lower back and pressed his lips flush to yours. You could have sworn fireworks had just exploded in your mind as you took a second to process the feeling of his soft lips against yours before finally kissing back.

It was the first of many blissful summer nights the two of you would share.

A.N: Hope you guys enjoyed it! This one was just over 1000 words and definitely very drabble-y but I'm still getting used to writing again. Until next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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