Chapter 4

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Calum's P.O.V

I stood in the hospital room, looking down at the lifeless body in front of me. Luke had been out cold for nearly 4 hours now. Ash threw a pretty hard punch. It was uncalled for. Yeah, Luke might have hit Ash before but, that's still uncalled for. Yeah, yeah, yeah, self-defence and all that but, he didn't need to punch Luke so hard he'd end up in a hospital bed.

The room was silent except for the doctors and nurses hurrying to help patients, on the out side of the room. I wanted to see Luke awake. I wanted to see him, full of life and happiness like I used too before all the hate got a lot worse. I wanted too see how his big blue eyes, that you could get lost in for days, light up whenever he talked about something he was passionate about. But lately that happiness had faded away, he wasn't full of life and his big blue eyes had become dull.

I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, snapping me out of my thoughts about Luke. I looked over to see Luke coming to. Footsteps were becoming more audible as they got louder and louder, a nurse approaching me.

"Looks like he's waking up. He'll have a bit of amnesia but, will return to normal quite soon." The nurse spoke, me slightly nodding, letting her know I heard what she said. The footsteps I had heard just a few moments ago repeated, only growing quieter this time. I sat down in the uncomfortable hospital chair by Luke's bed. I lifted his hand lightly, and grasped it as if I was sacred to hurt him.

"Luke, I know you probably can't hear me, but try and open your eyes. Please. I need too see that you're okay. Please, for me." I whispered, knowing that Luke wouldn't hear my anyway. My hand was squeezed. I held onto Luke's hand as he lightly twitched again, this time stirring from his peaceful sleep. His eyelids went hidden as he opened his eyes to reveal his lovely blue orbs.

"Luke," I smiled as Luke just sat there, confused.

"I'm sorry but, do I know who you are?" 16 letters, 6 words, 1 question. That's all it took to make my heart sink a little. He didn't know me. The nurse said he'd have a little amnesia, but I mean he couldn't forget me right? I was with him more than anyone else.

Tears began to fill up my eyes. It took all my power not to let them fall.

"You should," I cried, tears now slowly rolling down my face. My best friend didn't remember me. "You have a bit of amnesia."

Stay positive. The nurse said he'd return back to normal soon. But when was soon? In a minute? In a hour? In a day? In a week? In a month? In year?

"Tell me about yourself, might jog my memory." Luke joked, his eyes wide, face perky and happy. When he remembers he's just going to turn back to normal. Things will go back to how they used to be. Him sad, remembering all the hate, his large blue eyes turning to dull ones.

"Well," I started, I mean. I should at least a try to help him remember me. "My name is Calum Thomas Hood. You're my best friend, Luke Robert Hemmings. We're both in a band with two other guys called Ashton Irwin and Michael Clifford. Our band is called 5 Seconds of Summer and we are currently the opening act for One Direction on their Where We Are tour." I finished. Luke just stared blankly at me, as if he'd never even heard of One Direction before.

"I recall nothing of that." Was all he said, Luke's reply. He remembered nothing. Well, nothing of me, Ash, Michael, us ... The band.

I was about to reply when the nurse who we had seen previously before interrupted us "There are 2 visitors waiting, is it okay if we send them in?" She asked Luke as he nodded, she scurried away, out the door.

Silence filled the room as if Luke and I didn't know what to say. It was true that I didn't know what to say, I don't know about Luke.

Silence was suddenly broken by the footsteps of 2 people, people who I didn't want to see especially. The two people adding pressure to Luke for all the hate he's been getting even when he did nothing wrong. Ashton Irwin, Michael Clifford.

"Ugh." Michael groaned as he looked over at Luke, a disgusted look on his face. Luke looked utterly confused and I didn't blame him. I would be if I lost my memory and some random guy walked into my room and groaned at me.

Luke's P.O.V

Two people walked into the room. The two people were vaguely familiar but, I couldn't put my finger on where I'd seen them before. One was tall with blonde curly hair, wearing a green bandana and a tank top and the other was tall, had red hair with a normal plain tee on.

"Ugh." the red-head groaned, sitting down on the one spare chair as he did so. I wonder what his problem was.

"Michael, Luke's in hospital and you just groan at him. At least be civil with him until he gets out at least." Calum warned sending them both a glare. So the red-head was Michael. The name Michael rings a bell. Where have I heard that name?

"Fine just for today. Don't expect this again but can I first just say one thing, Luke, Ash didn't even punch you that hard. Get over yourself." He laughed, so some guy called Ashton punched me?

"What?" I asked dumbfounded as Michael and the blonde laughed. Calum sat there, not doing anything, looking down as if his world was over.

"You're so dumb. I can't believe you hang out with this idiot Calum." The blonde laughed. Calum lifted his gaze to reach mine.

"Guys, shut up. He doesn't remember anything. He has amnesia." Calum whispered, Michael and the blonde who remained unnamed looked at Calum with a shocked look on their face. It soon disappeared. It was soon replaced with smirks from them.

"You can now go home Mr. Hemmings." the nurse smiled as I began to slowly sit up. I sat up before slowly standing up, as I was being supported by Calum. We walked out of the room, Calum still helping me walk as I was still a bit hazy.

We made it to a black van with tinted windows. Everyone piled in it and sat down, buckling their seat belts as they did so. I copied their actions. The van began to move, starting to ride to our destination.


The silent car ride ended. We scrambled out the car and into a big bus followed by a muscular man.

"What is happening? Last time I checked humans live in houses not busses." I exclaimed. Why the hell I on a bus? This wasn't normal, I swear. Normal people don't just randomly get onto busses with a settee, TV, Xbox gaming console and a laptop. Last time I checked normal people get onto busses with seats and a driver, a normal driver.

"You're on tour douche." The blonde said harshly. Tour, since when was I famous. I'm more like infamous. No one knows me, only my friends.

The blonde, Michael and the muscly man made their was somewhere else whilst, me and Calum walked over to the settee. Calum sighed a rather large sigh, a stressed sigh.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Everything." Calum groaned, laying back.

"Tell me." I whispered, knowing that he probably didn't want to tell me anyways but it was worth a try.

"It started out like in the movies, but it's all ending like a bad dream." he sighed. What?

"Oh." was all I could say, what did he mean?

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