12. Pecunia Nervus Belli - Money is the soul of war

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It was now the 25th, which meant that she was twenty days late, Liv counted on her hands. Twenty days was a long time even for her, and yet she didn't feel anxious like she normally did. In fact, she felt elated. Was this how she was supposed to feel?

A knock on the door broke her train of thought as Rachel shouted from the other side, "Open up, Livy! I know you're home."

Liv was barely able to crack open the wooden door or Rachel embraced her tightly. "So good to see you, girl. I brought some food." Rachel announced loudly before whispering in Liv's ear, "there is some chocolate hidden beneath it all. I know you're cravings, and cramps must be unbearable right now."

"Oh, actually I haven't -"

"You must be bored out of your mind, sitting here all day. How about I book us a nice massage? Get away from it all."

"But Rach, I -"

"A massage sounds lovely," Lorenzo's deep voice interrupted. Rachel snapped around to face him, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

Rachel's rudeness brought a delighted grin on Lorenzo's lips. "Such harsh language from such a lovely face. I'm simply helping Olivia in her garden."

"Liv, we need to talk. Now." Rachel snapped dragging her friend past Lorenzo, hitting him with a flick of her hair.

"Wait," Liv stumbled, "I actually have to go to the temple of Ceres. I need to make an offering."

"Oh, okay." Rachel's harsh tone broke a little as she recalled Amar's advice. She had to be more gentle, maybe she was just drawing her own conclusions. She waved as her best friend left with a basket of fruit in her hand.
That bright smile of the redhead was only a mask for the worry in her eyes, and Rachel knew it. As soon as the door closed she focused all her frustration on Lorenzo. "Stay away from Liv."

With a light huff, he turned towards her. "If Olivia wants me around, who am I to deny a request of a beautiful woman?"

"I know your kind," Rachel sneered.

Crossing his arms across his chest he let his eyes freely roam over her body before responding. "You mean you know yourself. You and I are not so different, miss Rachel."

"I am nothing like you," she spat in disgust. "I don't use people for my own gain without remorse, you psychopathic asshole."  

"For a psychologist, you use that term very lightly." Lorenzo retorted, his hazel eyes boring into her soul.

"I don't," Rachel retorted, narrowing her gaze. "But I know a psychopath when I see one." 

"Should take that as a threat?" he asked, sizing her up as he closed the distance between them. "Well, frankly my dear. I don't give a damn."

Rachel straightened up, trying not to be intimidated by the muscular guy who's hands had traveled to his hips. He rolled his shoulders, his muscles popping underneath the white shirt that clung tightly to his body. "What are your intentions with Olivia?" Rachel swallowed.

"Are you her mother?" Lorenzo mocked, his grin growing wider. 

"I am her best friend. Now answer the question!" she barked. Her words seemed to fall on deaf ears when Lorenzo didn't move a muscle. He just grinned, never breaking eye-contact as leaned in and whispered. "I want to fuck her brains out."

Rachel flinched. She knew she shouldn't have, but it was too late. He had seen her fear, and he enjoyed it. Keeping her expression as blank as she could she retorted, "and it doesn't bother you that she has a boyfriend?"

"It's not my fault that I am better than him. If Olivia wants me she simply has good taste." He merely shrugged, running his fingers through his hair as if to add evidence to his statement.

"And what if she doesn't want you?"

"Oh, but she will." His voice was as cold as ice, his gaze almost predatorial, freezing Rachel into place as he strolled out the door without a care in the world. She needed a moment to collect herself, feeling shivers run down her spine despite the warm weather. She needed to warn Liv. 

Total word count: 15.084

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