5. Dulce Periculum - Danger is sweet

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The few men, disregarding a silent salutation, continued to stare at the two of them wild-eyed. Observing the couple draped in togae with the judgmental gaze of a disapproving grandparent. Zach could feel them forming their opinions about them from afar, and it made him wilt in discomfort. As soon as they rounded the corner onto the main street, escaping the eyes of the men, Zach felt many more pairs of eyes boring into him.

Pulling Liv a little closer, he knew he couldn't blame these people. If he saw two people walk around dressed in the fashion of 70 AD, he would stare as well. It was only natural, he told himself. People make observations. It's a casual assessment. They have done it since the days of tribal hunters, to asses if one is friend or foe, and part of that instinct will always remain. But did they have to do it so blatantly? 

"I never dreamt that I would walk the streets of Rome like this. I can just feel the history soak into my skin and the rough streets beneath my sandals." Liv sighed contently, shielding her eyes from the bright morning sun with her hands. She didn't seem the least bit bothered by the attention they gathered from bypassers, guiding Zach's focus to the ambiance of the architecture around them. The sandstone felt already warm in the sun's embrace, contrasting with the cool uneven cobblestone path that slowed every movement of his body down to relaxed beats as the sounds of a waking city ushered them to a small square at the end of a narrow street.

On the street corner was a small bakery, lined with the national green, white, and red colors. A line of locals and tourists alike streamed from the open window, before walking away with freshly baked pastries and cappuccino's in hand. The scene was enough to draw a smile from Liv's tired lips. It's right out of some travel blog, so perfect. "Let's get something to eat here," she chirped, adding herself to the end of the line.

Zach scanned the menu for the prices. "What do you want? A cappuccino and, what is a cornetto?"

"It's a croissant. But you can't have that." A husky male's voice answered, making both Zach and Liv spin around startled to see Amar standing behind them.

"Where the hell did you come from?" Liv almost screamed out.

Amar chuckled, "I saw you leaving the Domus, so I followed you to see if everything was okay."

"And you don't announce you're presence or anything?"

"Why should I do that if you don't see me?" Amar cocked an eyebrow in surprise.

"So that we know you are there. That is normal social behavior."

Straightening his navy blue tie, Amar cleared his throat before bowing slightly. "My apologies, Ms. Davis. It won't happen again."

With a slight wheeze, Liv playfully slapped his shoulder. "And stop the honorifics. We're all roughly the same age for God's sake. Just call me Olivia or Liv." 

The slightest hint of a smile tugged at the Amar's lips. Unlike his easy smile at the mansion, this one seemed warmer, more genuine.

"Do you want something as well, Amar?" Zach suddenly asked over his shoulder as he ordered their breakfast. Amar stepped forward and, in fluent Italian, began to converse with the baker rapidly before turning back to Zach and Liv. "Have you already forgotten your contract? You can only eat Ancient roman food."

Two flabbergasted faces stared back at him, making him add. "But don't worry, I've asked the baker for some sweet blackcurrant buns and pomegranate juice. I know it's not entirely accurate, but it will do for now."

"So, just to clarify." Liv swallowed a lump, "I can't drink coffee?"

"Correct," Amar confirmed as he handed both Zach and Liv a rolled bun along with the wine-colored drink. Taking a sip, Liv could almost taste her regret within that sour-sweet drink. Starting her morning without coffee would be like starting the day without the sun.

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