The Same Weird Dream Part 2

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Me: I decided to make a part Two of the dream chapter because.... Why not? So anyway, I will now stop talking in third person and send you all off to see this good yet surprising dream... Be sweet and loving to each other and enjoy Poliadow's dream, bye! 😁

Shadow and Polie: (still sleeping soundly in their beds at home and snuggling with their look alike dolls) ...... Polie: (slowly opens his eyes but then looks surprised when he sees Shadow hovering over him and smile smirking, now confused) Shad-Shadow?! What are you doing back here? I thought you went home.... And why are you naked and in my bed? Shadow: (hovering over him and looks down at him with a sexy smile smirk) I never left, and I'm naked because I wanna be. (lays his head down on his arms that are on Polie's stomach, still smile smirking) Your naked too. Polie: (sounds a little confused) What?.... (then looks down and screams out a little) Ahh! It's true, I really am! Ahh! Shadow?! Why are both nak-Mph!... Shadow: (covers his mouth with one finger) Shh... (creases his right cheek) It's okay, Polzie, just relax... (sexy smile smirks at him more) And enjoy what's coming up next... Polie: (gulps a little, has a worried face) Me: Meanwhile, with Shadow! Shadow: (sleeping soundly in his bed and snuggles his Polie doll close, but then suddenly opens his eyes and gasps when he sees Polie laying on his bed under him) P-Polie?!... What-What are you doing here?! Polie: (creases his right cheek and looking up at him with a sexy smile) You invited me here for a "playdate" remember?... Shadow: (still confused) What? Polie: (sexy smile smirks at him and creases both of his cheeks) You know? To have some "fun" Shadow: (starting to get a little nervous) Polie? What are you talking about? Polie: (sounds a little more seductive then hugs him and sort of whispers) You invited me here for us to finally.... "Make Love to each other" Shadow: (eyes widen a little bit, blushes flustered) !!!... (shakes his head quickly) No Polie, we can't... Polie: (tries to stop him before something happens) We're not ready for this, I'm not ready for this!... Shadow and Polie: (sexy smile smirk more and gets ready for their "play time") Oh I think you're so ready for this, Shads. There's no more holding back, baby. Shadow and Polie: (try to get away, close their eyes and scream out) NOOOO! (then wake up screaming and sweating) AHHHHH! (sitting up in bed, holding their chests and breathing heavily) ...... Need to call him, now! (immediately grab their cellphones off their nightstands, dial each others numbers and wait for them to pick up) Polie?! Shadow?! It's an emergency and I need to talk to you about this sex dream now! Wait, you too?! No way! (realize what they just said and start laughing and then chuckling) Shadow: (smiles and holding his cellphone) So I'm guessing you had the same crazy dream too, huh? Polie: (chuckles softly and holding his cellphone too) Hehe, yeah... I guess I did. (now looks confused) What do you think this could mean? Shadow: (starts thinking) I'm not sure, all I know is... That when I looked beside me, my doll version of you was gone. Polie: (then realizes something) So was yours! Shadow: (now looks surprised) No way, really?! Polie: (nods his head in disbelief) Really. (sounds a little curious but worried) So, what are we gonna do? (lean back on his pillow) Now that we both had this.... Strange dream. Shadow: (thinking hard again, leans against the back of his bed) Hmm... (then gets an idea) I've got an idea on how to deal with this... (then looks a little worried) But, you might not like it... Polie: (sounds a little desperate) Shadow, I'll do anything to figure out why we had the same dream... Shadow: (nods his head in agreement and sounds serious) OK, here's the plan... We go to lunch early to talk and then we go to my house and make our next move. (smile smirks a little) Hehehe.... Polie: (smiles brightly) OK! Sounds good to me! Shadow: (smiles smoothly) Night baby. Polie: (smiles and slightly blushes) Goodnight Shads. (hangs up, puts his cellphone back on his nightstand and goes back to sleep, cuddling with his Shadow doll) Mmmm.... Shadow: (hangs up on Polie, then thinks and decides to call Raichu) Come on, bro.. Pick up. Raichu: (playing some gituar until he hears his cellphone buzzing and grabs it with his free paw and smiles brightly) Yo dude! What's up, Shadow? (big smile smirk) How's your little fuzzball doing? He begging for you guys to "do it" yet? Shadow: (looks smug and annoyed a little) First of all, wipe that stupid smirk off your face, second we're doing just fine, third no he hasn't, and forth... I need to ask you something about these look alike dolls of me and Polie... Raichu: (nods his head twice) Yeah bro, what about'em? Shadow: (looks down a little) Well....

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