Joiner Year And Polie's Secret Part 1

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Me: Summer went by fast and now everyone is starting Joiner year, Shadow, Raichu and even Polie are all excited. But not as happy as Shadow and Polie are, because they're getting married soon! They told Raichu and he's overjoyed about it and Shadow decided to make Raichu his best man. Which Raichu gladly accepts, and Polie has officially made Fluffy his flower girl. Pikachu, Raichu's little brother will be the ring bearer and James will walk Polie down the aisle. Everything is planned out perfectly, along with finishing high school and graduating of course. But while going back to school, someone who they thought was gone for good, returns again... Scourge The Hedgehog, and at some point today in between classes, he's gonna unleash a little his plan, for a certain white furry.

Furry and Human Students: (walking down the hallway and past the cafeteria and into the assembly room) Polie: (watching everybody go in and looks down at Raichu with a curious face, holding his Danny Phantom backpack straps) What's going on? Raichu: (looks up at him then jumps up on to his head and smiles) Oh? Ah. Didn't you hear, bro? Principal ZZ is giving everyone a welcome back to school speech. Polie: (looks up at him) What's it for? Shadow: (standing next to him and crosses his arms) It's an annual tradition of the school, she does this every year. Raichu: (jumps off his head and runs into the assembly room) Come on slow pokes! Polie and Shadow: (watch Raichu run in then grab each others paws and walk in the assembly room too and sit down next to Raichu) Raichu: (laying back on his tail and pretending to be at the beach) Sup bros? Y'all are late. Shadow: (gets a little annoyed by Raichu acting like a smart-ass) Raichu? Shut up. Polie: (chuckles softly) Hehehe. Principal ZZ: (walks up to the podium and clears her throat and speaks into the microphone) Ahem! Good Monday morning everyone and everyfurry! Welcome back, to another year of Teensville High! It is my great honor to be your Principal of the school for another year. I understand that this year will be a little harder than last year, and I also understand that last year was extremely new for most of you, and harder on some of you. But I am very proud of you all for pulling it through and moving on to the next big things happen. Speaking of which, starting next week on Wednesday, we're going to be a annual Movie Night and anybody who wants to suggest movies to the teachers and we'll decide what to watch. But please try to keep it PG 13, no Rated R movies please... Shadow: (thinks quietly to himself) Damn it! Wait, I don't watch those types of movies anyway. (then looks at Polie with a loving smile) Maybe once me and Polie get married, we can have our own Movie Nights together. Principal: ZZ: (keeps speaking to everyone) Then, at the end of the year, we will have a big end of the year party to celebrate the old year and welcome the new one. Also, starting on Thursday this week, we'll be taking a field trip to Hollywood California! All Students: (gasp and get really excited) Principal ZZ: (smiles and laughs a little) No, I'm just kidding! All Students: (pout a little in disappointment) Principal ZZ: (clears her throat again) Maybe someday, but... We will be heading over to the Museum of National Hero History. You'll be able to see each heroic event, that has gone down in history. Polie and Raichu: (hear that last part and then look at Shadow with big smiles on their faces) Shadow: (looks at them with a confused face then knows why their smiling at him then looks away bashfully) Principal ZZ: (speaks to them again but looks a little concerned) And... I have a small announcement to make... (clears her throat again) A lot of you may remember the previous student who went here before she died and before Polie James Cattails... It has officially been three years, so I like for all of us to take a few moments of silence, please. (closes her eyes and bows her a little) All Students: (close their eyes and bow their heads) Polie and Shadow: (look at each other with saddened faces but then grip their paws tighter and bow their heads and close their eyes)

Me: All the students and staff remain silent, as a lot of them started to remember the good times of Jinny Alice Cattails, Shadow was trying hard not to cry, but some small tears started forming in his eyes and ran down his muzzle a little. Polie saw him crying a little and gently licked his tears away. After everyone shared that small moment of silence, Principal ZZ started talking to the students again. But Scourge was the only one not mourning for the loss of Jinny Alice Cattails at all, he doesn't have a heart, so to speak. Anyway, back to the speech.

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