Having Fun In Paris

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Listen to the song while reading this chapter! It'll make this chapter a lot more sweet!

Me: Shadow and Polie woke up the next morning with the sun shining through the window of their hotel room and Shadow apparently had his cellphone set up to play the song called "Best Days by Matt White" as the newly married furry couple started to wake up and get ready to enjoy their honeymoon in Paris, the city of love.

Polie: (sleeping soundly but then slowly opens his eyes and looks at Shadow with a soft tried still smile) Morning Shad. Shadow: (sleeping soundly but then slowly opens his eyes too and looks at Polie with a soft tried still smile too) Good morning, Polzie. Polie: (chuckles softly and caresses his right cheek) I know I already said this last night but... I still can't believe we're married now, hehe. Shadow: (smiles softly at him and caresses his left cheek) Yeah, I still can't believe I actually proposed to you and you really said yes. To be honest I was actually pretty scared, hell I was nervous about proposing to you. Polie: (then looks at him with a curious face) What? Why would you be nervous about that? Shadow: (shrugs sort of and then sits up a little bit) Because.. I don't know, I guess I was just.. Worried that you might've said no or if we were moving too fast into this relationship or that I might heartbroken again, or... Polie: (sits up a little bit too, moves closer to him and hugs him tightly) Shadow? Stop thinking so negative about what didn't happen. You know that I would never say no to you, and we're not going too fast with our relationship. I would've told you if we were, and you know that I would never ever break your heart, you don't deserve to be in pain anymore. (then let's go of him and looks him deep in the eyes while slightly starting to cry tears of joy again) I'm glad to have taken this next step with you, I'm glad to be with you forever, there's no one else I'd rather be with than you. Shadow: (smiles softly at him and gently hugs him) Oh Polie, come here, you big old softy. Polie: (sniffles a little bit and looks at him with a happy smile) I can't help it, this whole being married thing is still new to me, and I'm not sure what to do. Shadow: (wipes his eyes and caresses his cheeks) Hey, hey. Heh, come on now, this is my first time being married too, but like I said before we were boyfriends. Polie: (smiles softly at him) We can learn together. Shadow: (smiles softly at him more) You know me too well. Polie: (chuckles softly and smirks) Well, your not exactly an open book anymore. Pretty much everybody knows who you are. Shadow: (nods his head in agreement and moves some hair out of his face) True, but now everybody is starting to get to know you a lot more too. Polie: (looks smile smug and boops his nose three times) Yeah, whatever dude. Now come on! Let's go see Paris! (pulls the covers off and jumps out of bed and runs into the bathroom) Last one in the shower is a rotten old furry man! Shadow: (chuckles softly and then smiles confidently) I'm right behind you. Handsome. (gets up and follows him to the shower) Hey, get back here!

Me: Polie manged to make it to the shower first, he wins! So that means Shadow had to wait his turn, he walked over to the fuzzy toilet seat and sat down while crossing his arms and legs, waiting for his husband to get finished. Almost about twenty minutes later and Polie came out of the shower and dried himself off while Shadow stared at him with a sexy smile smirk, getting a little bit turned on by how wet and sexy he looked. He likes what he sees, he licked his lips, wanting to just fuck Polie right now, but no! He couldn't, he needed to control himself, he immediately went in the shower after Polie finished drying off and went back into the bedroom to put on some clothes. About thirteen minutes later and Polie comes out of the bedroom, fully dressed and ready to go, he's now waiting downstairs in the main office of the hotel, still waiting for Shadow to arrive. Polie is now talking to the nice female hotel office manager until he hears someone walking downstairs, he turns around and smiles when he sees it's Shadow walking downstairs and then gives him a big hug for an unknown reason. Polie was a little surprised but smiles and hugs Shadow back anyway, then they grab each others paws and walk out the hotel to get some lunch since their showers kind of made them miss breakfast and since the time on the clock above the manger reads twelve o five. At a nearby diner called S Car Go, Polie was looking at the menu for something to eat and drink while Shadow was looking like he was just staring into space, and Polie slightly looks up at him with a small curious and worried face, but decided not to bother him with questions. After lunch, they went to one of the small malls and bought some new t-shirts, shorts, jeans and jackets, and even some swagger sun glasses.

Then at about four o'clock, they went inside the Eiffel Tower and looked out at the great view from up top, but Shadow was still looking so dazed, and Polie was looking at him again with a worried face and finally decided to ask him what was bothering his hedgehog husband what was wrong.

Polie: (smells the air and feels the wind blowing in his fur and then looks at Shadow with a more worried face) Haaa, it feels amazing up here, right Shadow? (touches his shoulder) Shadow? Shadow: (snaps out of his thoughts and looks confused) Huh? What? Oh! Yeah, it.. It's really nice out here, hehe. Polie: (looks at him more worried about him) Shadow? Are you sure you're OK? You seem to be a little out of it today. Shadow: (shakes his head quickly) No, no! I'm fine! (then breathes out heavily) It's just that... (closes his eyes and looks away a little) I knew I'd have to tell you this at some point. Polie: (looks confused) Tell me about what? Shadow: (then looks back at him with a sad face) About the nightmares I had while you were in Hollywood and after the wedding party, you were raped by Scourge in one and Sonic Werehog in another one. Polie: (now looks really confused) A Werehog? Shadow? What the hell is a Werehog? And what's with this whole me getting raped by your evil villains thing all about? Shadow: (looks away from him again and then looks at him with a serious face) You were raped by my old enemies in my head, and a Werehog is just a mix of a hedgehog and a werewolf. They're much bigger, stronger, faster, hungryer, and more lustful. Polie: (looks a little shocked and scared) Shadow? You're starting to scare me a little, I don't like werewolves, but a Werehog sounds a lot more scary. Shadow: (sighs softly and looks away from him again) It is... (then looks back at him with a serious face again and grabs his paws tightly) But Polie, promise me something... Promise me you'll never come in contact with a Werehog or Scourge or Mephiles ever, for as long as you live. Polie: (still looks worried but sees the seriousness in Shadow's eyes and then looks serious too and nods his head) I promise. Shadow: (smiles softly at him) Good. Polie: (then thinks of a idea and grabs his paws) Hey Shad? Shadow: (looks curious faced) Yeah? Polie: (keeps looking at him then smile smirks) Well... Hehe. I've always wanted to try a threesome. (then messes with his chest fur a little) And since you haven't really reached my sweet spot yet, I'd figure we try something different. Shadow: (looks surprised when he said that but then gets an idea too and smile smirks) That sounds like a great idea, Polzie.. And I know exactly how we're going to do it.

Me: They keep smile smirking at each other until they raced down the Eiffel Tower and back to their hotel room, they zoomed past the female manger and up to their room and locked the door behind them and sat down on the bed, ready to have "fun."

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