~Chapter 10~

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(Yesh Let's start THiS HELL SHIT )

Blue, me, and Dream sat at outside talking until a blue string came out of nowhere.
"Oh great it's Mr.Glitchy" I said sarcastically, as Error dropped out of nowhere.
"HeY bItChEs~" Error said in his flirty tone.
We rolled our eyes, then Cross came out of nowhere and pushed Error into the bushes.

"Hey Hoe!" Cross said to Error, I laughed.
"Cross are you gonna join us in homework club?" Blueberry asked.
"Uh...Sorry I got Football practice" Cross said, I looked at him with a surprise.
"You got accepted onto the team!?" I said, Cross nodded and I immediately hugged him.
"Congratulations! I'm so happy for you Cross! Maybe we can set up a party to celebrate your acceptance into the Football team!" I said.

"Thanks Ink! But don't overreact it's just me getting accepted into the Football team! Don't get all excited for that" Cross said.
I smiled and hugged Cross again, I felt cross warm arm wrapped around me.
I smiled and pulled away, then a familiar tentacle separated us.

I quickly hid behind Cross, and glared at Nightmare.
He looked...well...kinda sad..mixed with a bit if anxiety...
"Ink...can I talk to you alone?" He asked, I looked at him.
"No Nightmare..." I said looking away from him.

Nightmare walked away, with his head down and his hands in his pockets.

Nightmare POV
I wasn't all the same anymore... I had made Ink hate my guts.
I tried to make Ink like me but it always seem to make Ink separate himself from me...
I walked home, and went to the place where I met Ink... I looked up the tree that Ink climbed.
I imagined if I changed would Ink love me?

I wished I was Cross, I felt my jealousy grow. I could remember Ink looking at me with his innocent smile and face.
But all I see in him was hatred of me.
I clutched my hand into a fist and punched into the tree. Leaving a large bruise on my fist.

I began to rip off the liquid goop that surrounded around my body. Then I felt a gentle hand on me...
I looked up and saw Ink....

"Ink...." I said I felt my eyes brighten up as I saw him.
"Its you..." Ink said, I looked at Ink in confusion but then realized...
I ripped the goop off my face..so it showed my real identity...
"N-nightmare...you where the one who..." Ink paused and covered in mouth in shock.
"Yes it's me..." I sighed as the goop covered up my identity.
Ink looked at me for a while before putting his hand on my cheek.

"I forgive you" (since Nm Saved him when he fell from the tree. Now that Ink knows his true identity, He forgives him)

(Bruh what's next? SOME CRINGES NOICE)
(Reason why Ink forgave him so easily-
Since Nightmare Saved Ink, Ink is repaying the favor by forgiving him. Yes even if he did rape him, If Nightmare didn't save him he would have died so it's even between them.)

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