Part 2

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I looked at him awkwardly and said I wasn't quite sure. He said, eventually your doctor is going to do it to you in a few years. He said it was strictly therapeutic and not sexual in nature. He said he felt it would really help me out and that I would notice a huge difference.
I took a minute and said, ok. Why not. What do I have to lose.
With that, he had me lay on my side. He put on a glove, lubed up my asshole, lubed up his finger and gently, patiently worked his way into my hole. I laid there, breathing deeply, allowing him to gently work his way in.

Eventually, he got his finger in and he found my prostate.
He started to rub it gently at first and slowly worked his way up to a steady rhythm. He was never aggressive, but he clearly knew what he was doing and he told me to relax and let it just happen. Needless to say, after a good 10 minutes of his subtle strokes, I felt my pelvis start to quiver. I looked down and saw myself leaking thin white fluid from the tip of my cock and I didn't know what to do.

He kept going and eventually I couldn't help myself. I started to moan and move my body against his hand and before I knew it, I was ejaculating all over the table without ever having stroked my cock. I was flushed, trying to catch my breath when he pulled his finger out gently and told me to just relax. He brought me a towel to clean myself off with.
When I was able to pull myself together, he told me he felt I needed to really think seriously about using prostate massage as a way to release tension in my lower back. He never made a move or anything and always kept it professional. I actually thought it was amazing.
I was never freaked out. He proceeded to tell me the different toys I could invest in that would help me out.

I continued to go to him for a few months.
Every time I went, he would do the prostate massage at the end. And, every time without fail, I would experience an orgasm that was unbelievably intense.
One day, as he was working on my prostate, he asked me if I could tell how many fingers he had inside of me. I said I figured it was one.
He said it was two.
Now, I started to get a little weirded out. I played dumb and shrugged it off. Eventually, he got up the nerve to ask me if he could try to get three fingers up inside of me. I told him I wasn't comfortable with that idea, and he respectfully left it alone. As I was getting ready to leave, he said, "you know, just because you have discovered your ass doesn't make you weird. I don't think you're gay.
Your asshole is a part of you. Treat it well. Be good to it. Embrace it. Keep exploring with it."
I went home that night and thought about what he had said. It made a lot of sense. I was confident enough in myself and my sexuality that I didn't feel embarrassed or ashamed for having discovered this new fascination. I loved what I was experiencing and I wanted to try new things. So, I went back.

One night, I had came home from work and I was in a lot of pain.

My sciatica was in bad shape. I was sitting at home laying in bed trying to relax and my discomfort wasn't getting any better. It was around 9pm, and I remember I leaned over, opened my laptop to check my email and there was an email from my therapist. He wrote to tell me he was at a new location. He had literally moved two blocks away.

I was in a lot of pain, so I called him and asked him if he was home and if he'd be able to see me at the last minute before the end of the night. I left a voicemail and he called me back within 5 min. He said if I lived closer, he'd be able to see me. When I mentioned to him that I was only two blocks away, he said if you can get here in 30 min, I'll totally see you.

I jumped in the shower and headed straight over.

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