Chapter 5: Creepy shadow + curious boy = Sexual tension~!

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mewtwo was currently watching in the shadows...that's when he heard that name again...

" Hey ash can you toss me a water bottle?" brock asked

" sure thing~!"a sh said tossing one

brock gave a nod of thanks before gulping it down....

"" mewtwo mumbled as a flashback came to him....

" brain is active yet it doesn't wake....." a woman said

" that doesn't matter right now...." fugi said

" hey fugi did ya hear about the kid from pallet town named ash who stopped a storming charzard from terorizing his town?" a man said

" no i did not...let me see that one actually...." fugi said

mewtwo was broken out of his trance we he heard footsteps...

" hey misty...i gonna use the restroom...."a sh said

 misty rolled her eyes and chuckled.... 

the foot steps....where getting closer...had the boy seen him~?!

he turned but he found the noise was below him...and the boy was indeed looking to relive himself....

'man i knew i shouldn't have drank that lemonade on the way here~!" ash said

mewtwo shadow loomed over that boy...that when he noticed...

IT was the same boy~! THE ONE WHO HAD LOST HIS CAP WHEN BUMPING INTO HIM~! he realized

he could now more clearly see the boy...skinny...lanky.....somehow....had muscle.....raven jet black hair....creamy pale skin.....smelt like bakery goods and vanilla....

amber eyes....that gleamed all the time~!

mewtwo leaned to get a better whiff...when his weight made a small pebble fall to the ground

" SHIT~!" mewtwo said

" hun? what was that?" ash said as he turned around....mewtwo hid himself back into the shadows....and the boy shrugged and continude looking for a restroom....

ash finally found one...though it looked made......for some else.....more like sewage.....? he guessed he unzipped his pants....and took a whizz.....

mewtwo.....was peering down at the shadows.... when the boy was down he rezipped up his pants...and walked back to the room...he heard mewtwo in.....he looked around and sat down....on the rail of the pond....mewtwo had indoor....and strecthed.....

his pikachu hoped on his head....and squeak at him...the boy smiled...and gave the pikachu some ketchup....

mewtwo then jumped behind him....but for some reason the boy made no motion to tell him he had seen or know of this....

mewtwo loomed over the boy's head...still the boy was peacefuly tapping his foot to a beat?....wait......the boy was listing to music..... he really didn't hear him....just now.....

mewtwo walked closer....till his tail...was well touching the boy's back...yet the boy did not even flinch he just kept humming a happy tune....

his pikachu....looked up at him in fear...

" PIKA~! PIKA~!"pikachu yelled

mewtwo rolled his eyes..he hadn't done anything to hurt the boy~! for arceus sakes he was just examing him~!.....wait a minute.......examing.....oh shit.....he......oh arecus above~! he.....was not just interested in this boy.....dear arceus...he had a crush on the teen~!

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