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Snow Moon Spell

You need:

Full moon in February (the snow moon)
a violet candle


 In Colonial America, February's Full Moon was known as the Snow Moon, a time when fierce blizzards would sweep across the land. To some it was the Quickening Moon, a time when nature began to reawaken. Even though early snow crocus would bloom, most regions were covered in snow.

At the time of the Snow Moon, is when you ask the Snow moon to assist you in making positive changes in your life. Just as nature is poised to awaken from its winter rest, you can also awaken to a new purpose or calling.

On the night of the Snow Moon, announce your magical intentions to the Snow Moon. As a token of thanks, light a violet candle and speak to her:

''As the Earth wears a cocoon of white,
In icy splendor Snow Moon, you guard the night.
Let me make changes, let me be reborn,
Now I plant the seed of magic; I am transformed.

Leave your candle lit until it goes out on its own.


Moon Blessing

You need:1 white candle


Go outside, stand under the moon light and say:

"OH, The great Moon
please give me the
protection, the blessing
and the power
to live in peace
So mote it be. "


Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse Spell

You need:

A calm mind(meditate beforehand)


Meditate while taking a ritual bath. When you drain the water, believe that all the negativity from that day goes with it.

Then go outside a few minutes before the eclipse and find a safe place where you can see the moon clearly.

When the moon is fully eclipsed say:
''I summon the Triple Goddess in all her names, faces, and forms. I summon the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone, and kindly ask thee to grant me a wish. I wish(say wish here, be explicit). I thank you, O Great Triple Goddess. As I will, so mote it be. Blessed be.''


Moon Power

You need:

A bowl of water
White paper moon or flower


Float the paper moon or flower in the bowl. Raise the bowl towards the Moon in the sky and say:

"Hail to thee white swan on the river. Present life, tide turner. Moving through the streams of life, all hail. Mother of old and new days, To you, through you, this night we cling to your aura. Pure reflection, total in belief, touched by your presence, I am in your power and wisdom. Praise your power, your peace, my power, my peace. I am strong. I praise. I bless."

Replace the bowl on your altar. Stand for a few moments appreciating the power of the Moon. This spell is purely an incantation to the Moon and is therefore very simple. It needs no other tools or techniques except a physical representation of the Moon. Water is sacred to the Moon and therefore we offer her that which belongs to her.


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