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4 Bodies Healing

You need:

1 candle(Preferably blue)
Piece of paper
Pen or Pencil

Cast your circle. Invoke any being that is related to healing such as the element of Water and light your candle. Invoke the God and Goddess into the circle.

Meditate/Ground for 5-10 min. they chant, "I ask of you three, Mother Goddess, Life Giving God, and Element of Water, to help me in healing my four bodies. Help me align myself spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically."

The following steps are optional: Draw a stick figure on the paper(representing you) and draw an aura that is not aligned, one that is scribbly. Label it "Before".

After you're done chanting re-draw yourself with an aligned aura on the back of the paper and label it "After". Then burn the piece of paper (be careful). A safer alternative would be to put it under your pillow and sleep on it.


Basic Healing

You need:

Red or black cord

Bind the afflicted body part (arm, leg, hand, etc.) with the red or black cord. Tie it tightly and say:

I do not bind the (name the body part). I bind the disease residing there that it may leave the flesh and spirit of this person and enter the cord. Great Mother and Father, aid me in my work here. The disease is bound into the cord; only flames can release it hence! So mote it be!

Untie the cord, and throw quickly into the fire. Visualize the disease being destroyed, evaporating in the flames. This takes great concentration but is very effective.


Candle Healing

You need:

3 Blue Candles
Something sharp  
Do this spell at night after 5:30pm or the spell will cause more damage and pain

Carve the persons name you want to heal or yourself if you want to self heal then put the candles in a triangle position and light them then chat three or more times:

"Healing light shine tonight the power I feel be used to heal." 

While you do that focus on what you want to heal, this spell should work overnight.


Conker Healing

You need:

A few conkers
A bowl

Place the conkers in the bowl and leave near your bed at night. Go to sleep. In the morning wash the conkers and place them back near your bed. Repeat until illness is cured.


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