Gone You

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As the wind blown my hair
With sunshine falling over me
Watching it sets
Under the valley of endless
I remember the time I find you gone.

You were breathing heavy,
Your eyes filled in content of fear
Your hands in search of mine
Your body desperately losing the life
And your soul preparing to despatch.

I did all I could
To bring you back
To me
But I lost
In the fight for you.

Whenever I got wounded
You healed them
With the cure of your love
But how will you cure this wound
Which has wounded by your love.

They said it's time to say you goodbye
But why I felt so lost
To even let you go
Maybe because of the time
That I believed is mine.

My heart started to weep
My mind wanted to console
My eyes were red
My lips felt dry
And my senses felt lonely.

Then with a voice
That came with a hope
But in vain to me
Because it despaired the hope
Considering that you have left me.

How could I be fine
Seeing the sight of you gone
But lying there as you will be up
I could not believe the least
That you were not with me anymore.

As I went to you
Those blue coloured eyes were resting with peace
The heart deciding to stop pouring the life
The skin which lost its warmth
And the soul which has gone as a wind.

Sitting seeing you for the last time
I felt the absence of life in my self.
Then I came to see the light you have
That made me feel good and well
But as of despair it had left me alone the shore.

Seeing you wrapped in that coat,
Lying in the end of your life.
Under the blessings of the God
I wanted to kiss you bad
But never got the chance to do that.

But as I see the present,
I never deny that It could be better.
Because you would be there
To heal my wounds
And I would be there always finding you near.

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