
632 29 19

' patience, test my patience.'

"Pwark Jisung!" A loud, almost whinny, voice screamed. Everyone in the hall turned to either Jisung or the owner to the voice.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps running closer. He looked next to him.

"Hi!" Chenle said cheerfully. A bright smile on his face, it completed his yellow sweater and blonde hair.

"Hey?" Jisung asked questionly. "Remember me? From yesterday." Chenle said as he touched a necklace that was around his neck. "Yeah." Jisung said, he had no feelings in his voice.

"What class do you have? I have math but I don't want to go just yet. Do you know what we're having for lunch?" God, Jisungs patience was running low. To Jisung, chenles voice got annoying, quickly. He hadn't been answered the first question and he's already asking twenty more.

Jisung walked towards his class and Chenle followed. Chenle was basically having a conversation by himself but he didn't care. He wanted a new friend.

"Oh we have the same class!" Chenle said happily. "Yippee" Jisung said with a deadpanned tone.

Everyone stared in shock at the two. The emo and soft boy were talking. Well one was talking but they were walking together. Chenles bright aura was weird being next to Jisungs dark one.

"Shut up!" Jisung screamed. He was angry and his patience was low.

Chenle flinched softly and looked into Jisungs soft brown eyes. He realized the anger and annoyance that was settled in them. He smiled sadly and bowed softly as he walked faster ahead of Jisung, trying to hold his tears in tightly.

Jisung sighed softly as the quietness surrounded him. But something tugged at his gut when the silence actually settled. He shook it off but it would go away. He looked at the boy in front of him walking fast. He went next to the boy and nudge him softly.

"I'm sorry." He said softly. His first thought was what in hells name came over him to apologise. "N-No I'm sorry." Chenle said as he wiped his cheeks and smiled softly back. "I know I can be annoying at times. I'll stop bothering you. Sorry for the inconvenience." Chenle said. Jisung felt something crawl on his skin, who told him, besides him, that was was annoying. Before he could grab the boy and talk to him, he had already entered class and sat in the way front. Jisung sighed softly and walked to his seat in the back. ' not my problem anymore, I guess.' oh how wrong he was.

"Park Jisung! Get your ass over here now!" A voice boomed through the house. Jisung groaned and walked to the voice who lead to mark.

"What the fuck happened at school today?" Mark asked, when he was angry, no wanted to dare mess with him. He was like a hungry lion and it was horrifing.

"What do you mean?" Jisung asked as he gulped.

"With my boyfriend's brother?! Why the hell did you make him cry?! All he was doing was talking!" Mark screamed. "Look, he was talking a lot and I just got annoyed and-" Jisung tried to explain himself.

"The kid has ADHD! He can't help that he rambles and talks a lot! But you also can't help the fact you have a short temper." Mark said calming down a bit. He ran his hand through his hair as he sighed.

"Hyung, I didn't mean to make him cry. I just- you know how I get. My patience is low and I just don't like when people talk to me." Jisung said. He had no way of knowing about the ADHD but he couldn't help his short temper. "I know I'm sorry." Mark said. "Is it bad? His ADHD?" Jisung asked messing with his hands. "Not that bad. He just doesn't know how to stop fidging at time when he's anxious or how to stop talking at times. Nothing that bad." Mark said.

"Hey." Jisung said softly as he saw Chenle looking down at his notebook, scribbling something down.

The boy jumped softly and looked up at Jisung, he pushed his glasses back to see Jisung better. When he realized who was talking to him, a pink dust overcame his cheeks and he closed his journal harshly.

Jisung sat down softly and snatched the journal away. He put it above his head as he stood back up. Chenle jumped after him.

"Hey! Give it back!" Chenle screamed. Jisung pretend to think but then held I higher. Chenle whined and tried to jump up but it didn't work. He tried again but this time slipped.

Jisung instantly wrapped his arms around chenles waist and held him close, making sure he didn't fall. His other hand fell down a bit. Chenle jumped again and got it back. He giggled softly as he held it behind his back.

"Hey!" Jisung said. He was to busy staring to notice that the journal had left his hand. He wrapped both arms around the shorter boys waist. He held him close, Chenle gasped softly. Until Jisung started to tickle him.

Chenles loud laugh filled Jisungs ears. Jisung winced at it. Chenle covered his mouth and looked down.

"S-Sorry. I didn't mean to laugh like that." Chenle said. He put his journal down and bit his lip.

Jisung tickled him again but only got a soft, fake laugh. He frowned. He wanted to hear that loud laugh again for some odd reason. It made his heart beat faster and he like the feeling.

Jisung tickled him again but got another fake laugh.

"I want to hear your laugh again." Jisung frowned. Chenle shook his head.  "it's annoying." Chenle said softly. He tried to push Jisung away but it didn't work.

"Who said that? It's an amazing laugh." Jisung said, his blood boiled at the thought that he didn't like his laugh just because someone else had said it was annoying.

"No it isn't. I-I have to go." Chenle said. He grabbed his stuff and was preparing to walk away when Jisung grabbed his arm softly and sat him back down.

"Let me see your hand." Jisung said softly.  Chenle looked away and pouted softly. Jisung scooted closer and pouted. "Please?" Jisung said. His soft yet deep voice hit chenles ears and he melted.

He gave him his hand, hesitantly. Jisung slowly grabbed it and put it on his hand, showing the difference in size. He read about someone with mild ADHD. He stayed up and tried to understand how not to hurt the boy next to him. He knows what it's like to have something to deal with on the inside and not have anyone on the outside to help you. He always hated that feeling but when he met his hyungs, that feeling of someone caring and taking their time with you made his nights become more sleep-able, his mornings more happy and sunny. He didn't want to let Chenle feel what he felt a long time ago.

"Would you look at that. You're hands are soft." Jisung whispered in chenles ear, causing goosebumps. "Their small and cute. I wish I had them." Jisung whispered. He slowly slipped his hand into chenles and smiled softly as he felt Chenle squeeze. Chenle started to play with his fingers as he smiled on his shoulder and watched chenles eyes lit up when he touch Jisungs vein or bone. Or how he would squeeze every now and then. Jisung thought it was cute-



What did Jisungs just think?

Cute? A boy?

What the hell had gotten into him?

He looked at Chenle once more, the boy giggled as he saw he could wrap his whole hand around Jisungs thumb.

Jisung stared at the boy and just watched the way his lips wound go into a thin line or how his tongue would pick out.

Oh he was cute. Jisung thought.

No matter what gender or anything. He was cute. Very cute to Jisung.

So cute he didn't notice the whole cafiteria staring. He didn't notice ones eye that smirked and then glared at the two.

Anti-Everything (ChenSung)Where stories live. Discover now