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He was okay. Hoseok was. He wasn't going to die, and that seemed to placate Jimin when he heard the news that his boyfriend would be okay. They went to visit him as a group, per Yoongi's request, which surprised everyone, and Jin even tried to talk him out of it, though Yoongi insisted he would be fine.

When the group entered the hospital room, it was clear from the get go that Hoseok was completely out of it with all the drugs the hospital had put him on. His tired features lit up when they landed on his boyfriend, a goofy smile twisting itself onto his face.

"Well hello there, it feels like its been forever sense I seen you," He cheerfully said to Jimin, who gave him a gentle peck on the lips.

"A few months is not forever, but I missed you too." Jimin replied, "How are you feeling?"

"I feel amazing," Hoseok laughed, "Like I'm floating on clouds, I can't feel a thing." He leaned his head back against the bed, before noticing Jimin wasn't his only visitor.

"Oh hi, people I thought hated me, didn't see ya there." Yoongi stiffened up, ears going flat against his head.

"Hello, Hoseok," He greeted.

"Wow, you are...so...pretty, has anyone ever told you that? You are really pretty, are you single?" Hoseok flirted unashamedly, seemingly forgetting the fact that Yoongi was his ex and also the reason he was in jail.

"N-no, I'm not single," Jin and Namjoon stepped forward, placing protective hands on Yoongi's shoulders. It did nothing to disuade Hoseok's drug addled mind.

"Man, I would like to take a bite outta you, Chim Chim do you see that man over there?" He turned to his boyfriend, who seemed mildly uncomfortable.

"Yes, Hobi, but you can't date him, you're not single either," he tried to explain.

"So? We you can date him too, we can both date him, then it'll be fine," Hoseok waved off Jimin, "So hotstuff, how would someone like me sink a date with someone as fine as you?" He clumsily winked, and Yoongi felt his breath seize up in panic.

"Th-this was a bad idea," he whispered, "Y-you guys were right, I shouldn't have come with. My therapist told me to try to confront my trauma, but this was too soon." His boyfriend immediately rescued him from the uncomfortable situation, Hoseok calling after and Jimin apologetically looking on as Namjoon scooped up the smaller hybrid like he was nothing and the trio left.

"You feeling better now that you're out of there?" Jin asked. Yoongi quietly nodded, face buried in Namjoon's shirt, trying to calm down.

"D-didn't expect him to be so...out of it," he mumbled, the other two hardly hearing it.

"That was pretty unsettling wasn't it," Namjoon agreed with an uncomfortable chuckle.

The three headed home, Yoongi curled up in Namjoon's lap the entire time, he didn't want to be alone in the backseat. Neither of the hybrids could drive, well, they knew how to, but hybrids weren't allowed to drive. Hybrid rights were still a large issue, even after all their suffering came to surface in the media.

Jin stopped by a fast food place to get them dinner, although, when they got home and saw that Yoongi was hardly touching his food, it was clear that the night was going to be filled with nightmares and bad feelings.


3 am was when it happened. Yoongi shot up fron where he was sleeping between the boys, accidentally knocking Jin in the jaw with the top of his head, waking up the older boy. Namjoon stayed asleep, nothing could wake the cougar less than a hurricane.

"Honey? You ok?" Jin groggily asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Yoongi choked back a sob, covering his mouth with one hand. Jin hovered, ready to swoop his boyfriend into a hug as soon as he gave the word, and not a second sooner. It was a 50/50 chance Yoongi would scream if he touched him.

"J-just a bad dream..." Yoongi whispered quietly. He carefully layed back down, initiating contact with Jin first by hiding his face in Jin's chest. The broad shouldered boy wrapped Yoongi up in his arms, Namjoon rolling over in his sleep and cuddling up to them as well.

"Wanna talk about it?" Jin asked.

"No, it...was weird. The things Hoseok said to me today, they messed with me. It's kind of strange hearing something like that from your ex, you know?" The cat hybrid sighed, trying to close his eyes once more.

"I bet."

"I just...it reminds me of some of the things...Missy would say to me."

"Don't worry bub, I'm right here, and I'll always protect you. So will Joonie, he's asleep and he's tryin to protect you." The cougar let out a deep rumble as if in response, earing a giggle from Yoongi. "No one like Missy will ever hurt you again, ok?"

"Ok," Yoongi settled down once more, this time falling into a much more peaceful slumberm

"Goodnight, love."

Honestly I am so tied between so many things that I forgot about this but here I am now.

Once Again (Book three of the Changes series)(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now