Things Have Changed In A Dream

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I was setting up my teaching easel when I heard someone in the hallway. I looked up and instantly smiled when I saw Abby unlocking her classroom. My smile widened when I heard her humming a song under her breath.

I was about to walk into her room but stopped when the bell rang. I sighed and turned on my heel, walking back to my room. Throughout the day, I noticed myself getting distracted. As I taught, I was fine but as soon as I let my students work, I'd instantly turned and look at Abby's classroom.

At the end of the last class of the day, I started to clean up when one of my students came up to me.

"Mr. E?"

"Yes, Brenda?"

"Are you alright?" She asked. "You seemed kinda distracted in class."

"Yeah," Lacy giggled as she joined her friend. "Distracted by love."

"What?" I tried to laugh off. The girls looked at each other before giggling.

"It's so obvious that you've got a thing for Ms. Abby," Lilly laughed.

"Yeah," Brenda agreed. "We think you guys would be super cute together."

"Really?" I stuttered.

"Mr. E and Ms. Abby?" Johnathan joined the conversation.

"Yep," Lilly chuckled. "Wouldn't they be adorable together?"

"Is it true that you guys grew up together?" Mathew asked. I looked around to see everyone looking at me, the whole class now joining the conversation.

"Yeah," I sighed. I cleared my throat as my students whispered excitedly.

"So, do you like her?" Andrea asked.

"Of course he likes her," Kevin sighed. "We want to know if he has it for her."

"Ew! Kevin, shut up," Lilly groaned.

"Why are you such a pervert, man?" Mathew chuckled as he pushed Kevin.

"Okay!" I said, using my teacher-voice. "That's enough. We should not be discussing me and Ms. Abby. She and I have been friends since we were little. That's it."

"That's it?" Lilly challenged. "Really? So, you don't leave the door open so you can hear her singing? You don't spend every lunch with her and your prep with her?"

The students laughed as my face burned red. "Fine," I sighed. "I like her. Okay? As in like like her. Happy?"

My students cheered, laughing about how they knew it. Suddenly it dawned on me how fast rumors spread at this school.

"Whoa!" I said, quieting everyone down. "Now that you know, it cannot leave this room. Alright? I'm serious. Not a word to anyone. Especially anyone in Ms. Abby's class."

"So we can tell her?" Andrea teased.

"No!" I said too quickly. I cleared my throat as my students continued to giggle. "Guys, please don't say anything to her. I'm deadly serious about this. Abby and I have been friends for an extremely long time. I don't want to ruin anything because of a rumor."

I sighed when the bell rang and my students left. I ran my fingers through my hair, wondering how long it would take for them to blurt it out to the whole school.

"Don't worry, Mr. E."

I turned around to see Lilly and Brenda still in the room. Brenda was usually pretty quiet but Lilly was always talkative. I guess that's why they were best friends.

"We all love you and Ms. Abby," Lilly continued. "We wouldn't do anything to ruin the possibility of something finally happening between you two."

They turned to leave, but Brenda stopped. She hesitated before turning back towards me.

"Umm, sir?" She said, her voice full of hesitation and her eyes focused on her binder.


She took a shaky breath before finally looking up at me.

"It's clear that you make Ms. Abby happy and that she makes you happy," Brenda said, her cheeks burning brighter with each word. "And everyone can tell how much you two care about each other. I think she'd be lucky to have someone like you in her life."

"Thank you," I smiled at her. Both girls blushed as they left. I was about to close my door but stopped when I saw Abby putting away sheet music.

Before I could stop myself, I left my room and walked to hers. I didn't say anything to her. I watched and waited for her to notice. I couldn't hide my smirk when she finally saw me.

"What?" Abby giggled when she turned and saw me leaning against the doorframe watching her.

"Nothing," I chuckled. "I'm just excited about our date tonight."

"Our date?" She challenged, teasingly. "Last I checked, we talked about a possible date but I don't believe you officially asked me out on one."

"Did I not ask you out yet?" I continued to joke.

"I think I would remember my best friend asking me on a date," she said, her voice changing slightly.

"My bad," I joked. She looked up at me, tilting her head to the side. "I should've been clearer. Abby, would you like to go to dinner with me?"

Abby bit her bottom lip, her face turning bright pink. She reached up and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"I'd like that," she said, her voice soft.

"Great," I smiled. "Friday, 7 o'clock at Mariano's."

I saw her tuck the same piece of hair behind her ear again as things started to fade.

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