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(A/N: I know this is a few days early, but for some reason, my iPad wouldn't let me upload it, so I used a regular computer, but still, hope you enjoy this. Feel free to say that it didn't sound love-like, and there are spoilers from my Next Gen stories that I didn't get a chance to write down)


It had been many hours since Valentine's Day, with disastrous consequences for some, when Don, Max, CJ and Cliff were called by L.A.R.O.G. to assist him and the NCPD in hunting for a fugitive that had been sighted, and wait at the supposed location he would head to. But, for some obvious reasons, the girls didn't respond to their calls.


Max and Cliff were waiting at their position, in Cliff's rover with Max at the wheel, sporting a black eye. "All right." Cliff said, apparently thinking about his cousin's black eye. "So I got it. You selfishly punched yourself in the eyeball so that I didn't get to do it. Is that right?"

"No, not even close." Max replied.

"You know, cuz, if it's something that's embarrassing, or something you don't wanna share with us, you know, we understand."

"Yeah, we totally understand, Max." Don spoke through the rover's intercom.


Don and CJ were in position in an apartment opposite a building along with several officers nearby, who were by some surveillance equipment. Don and CJ were at a table by a window with a view of the building. Don was sitting on the table while CJ had his feet on it. "The last thing we would wanna do is make you uncomfortable."

"Yeah." CJ said, moving his feet off the table. "You can tell us when you're ready, bro."

Max shook his head. "You guys suck at reverse psychology." He replied.


"Well, then tell us the damn story, why don't you?" L.A.R.O.G. asked into his intercom as he was in position by the car park, looking through some binoculars to see the building through them.

"Right, you all know that I may a trained Ninja with one ear, but I can resist interrogation." Max spoke through the intercom.


"That's fine, so we'll just keep taking bad guesses then." Cliff replied as he looked away. "How about that?"


CJ tried to think of one thing as he turned away from the window. "Okay." He said. "You accidentally shook a soda bottle about, and the bottle cap bursts in your face." He soon clicked his tongue. "Black eye."

L.A.R.O.G. was heard laughing through their intercom. "Yes." Don said, agreeing with the blind Master of Earth.


L.A.R.O.G. briefly looked away. "All the damn reflexes you've been dodging for years, and you end up getting hit in the face with a cap projectile?" He asked into his intercom. "See, now, that's what you call ironic."


Max was getting annoyed from their theories. "Hey, you know what?" He asked. "You don't get to make jokes when you show up to work in a smelly suit."


23 Hours Earlier

A robbery had occurred at the Ninjago City Bank, completely blasting the front of it off as L.A.R.O.G., wearing a filthy white shirt, black suit pants with gravel dust on them, and gravel dust covered loafers, comes out of his car, and heads over to what used to be the entrance to the bank as Max and Cliff see him before moving their hands about their noses while laughing. "I'm having a dream." Cliff sarcastically said. "We're all in a colour run, but the only colour appears to be grey."

"Oh, yeah, that's funny." L.A.R.O.G. sarcastically replied. "You joke, but there's a very sad story that goes with this suit."

"Oh, I'll bet. If you paid money for it, it's definitely a sad story."

"So you gonna tell us what happened here?" Max asked.

"I'll tell you what happened." L.A.R.O.G. replied. Max waits for the response, but L.A.R.O.G. notices that he has a black eye. "Right after you tell me why you're rocking the panda eye."

Max pretends to think of what to say. "Yeah, all right, Grimace." Max pats his shoulder before walking up the steps.

"No, Max, come on." Cliff said as they start to follow him. "We wanna know how a one eared Fire Ninja gets a black eye on a date, huh?" L.A.R.O.G. laughs.

"By the way, like the new eye."



Once they were inside, technically still outside, the two cousins and Nindroid Officer came up to Don and CJ. "Hey." CJ said, noticing them. "What--?" He notices Max's black eye.

"Hey." Max simply replied.

Don soon noticed him and the others. "Whoa, you guys look, uh..." He tries to think of what to say about Max and L.A.R.O.G. "Terrible."

"Right?" Cliff asked as he came up next to them before looking at Don. "You too. You look terrible too." He soon looked at CJ. "You don't. You look happy."

"Thanks, Cliff." He replied. "We were just arguing about how our Valentine's Day experiences went."

"Really?" Max asked. "How did it go for you?"

"It was great. Phoebe had her braces removed."

"That's cool. And you guys?"

"Do you see them around?" L.A.R.O.G. asked.

"Um, no." Don replied.

"That's the answer. We seemed to have had disasters, even you, Donald."

"Why don't you tell CJ what happened to, uh--?" Cliff asked Max as he points to his only eye to indicate that he was referring to Max's black eye. "With the eye shadow?"

"Yeah, go ahead, champ." L.A.R.O.G. spoke to Max. "Make us feel better."

They all wait for Max to reply, but he simply looks around. "So, what are we doing here, anyway?" He asked, changing the subject.

"This is the reason why you were called." L.A.R.O.G. moved his arm about to show the wall-less entrance. "Figured maybe you guys know what it is."

"Yeah, this is the work of the Cannonator." Don said before looking at his prosthetic. "One of the few who escaped from Kryptarium."

"Any casualties?" CJ asked.

"Spoke to the first officer on scene. Bank manager's in a coma as well as two more hostages, a few of them were non-fatal, so they'll be okay."

"How much do you think he got away with?" Max asked.

"Practically emptied out 5 rows worth of deposit boxes."

"Anything else?" Cliff asked.

"Apart from that, nothing."

"But why would Cannonator attack this place on Valentine's Day?"

"Maybe because he wanted to buy some expensive gifts for his wife, using stolen money, or just wanted to ruin others' by stealing their money."

"Well, whatever the case may be, I think we can all agree that all these hostages are having a far worse Valentine's Day than any of us." L.A.R.O.G. said, looking at some of the frantic hostages, some obviously trying desperately for the cops to finish with them.

Ninjago Next Gen Ninja: Valentine's Day DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now