Coffee Shop-Aidan

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Just a warning: this one is kinda old and cringy

Aidan's POV:

"Hey everyone! Today we are going to be going around this little town in Canada called Nelson." I look around then look back to my screen.

"It's a small place and we just needed to film some scenes here for The Umbrella Academy. We are done with that now and we have two more days before we go back to Toronto so I thought I would do a live while I was here. I am just walking around now and looking at this lovely place. I might upload a video later on youtube. Comment below if you would like that."

I walk for a while without saying anything. "It's probably really boring watching me walk around so I'll answer some questions if you guys have any."

After walking into a small coffee shop and getting a frappuccino, I sit down at a table and answer some questions.

"'So Aidan are you dating anyone currently?' Um no I am not actually." About 10 questions in, a girl about my age walks into the coffee shop, I look up and I stop mid-sentence. "I have been working more on"

She is gorgeous. She looks over at me and smiles and I smile back. Then she walks over to the counter and my eyes can't help but follow her. She is wearing jean shorts, a black and white flannel, and back converse. She is carrying a floral backpack and hair swishes behind her as she walks.

"Can I have a coffee with milk and sugar please?" she asks the cashier. The woman nods, "That will be $4, please."

The girl swings her backpack around and takes out a baby blue purse and takes out a five. She hands it to the cashier and says, "Keep the change." The cashier thanks her and tells her she will bring her coffee to her.

I quickly look back at my phone as she turns around to sit down. The comments are rolling in at a rapid pace. "What happened?" "I'm confused" "Is it a girl?" "Awww he's blushing!!!!!" "I bet it's a girl!!" "Who is she?" "What does she look like?" "❣️‍" "Let us see her!!" "^That" "What did she order?" "What is her name?" "Oh my gosh is this going to be one of those movie scenes where he meets a girl in a coffee shop and they fall in love????" "❤️❤️❤️" "On a scale of 1-10 how pretty is she?"

I look at the last one and hold up both of my hands saying '10'. Immediately a chorus of 'Aww' 'OMG' 'LET US SEE' 'SKSKSKSK' and 'ASK HER FOR HER NUMBER' 's go through the comments.

"Here's your coffee hun," the cashier says putting down the girl's coffee and a napkin. The girl sits two tables away from me and has pulled out a book. She thanks the woman and takes the cup in her hands, looking down at the napkin then looks up at me.

We both blush and look down at our tables. I pick up my phone and start to type in the comments.

'I'm kinda embarrassed to talk rn when the cute girl is here.'

Some people again aww and stuff while some again tell me to show them the girl.

'How do I flip the camera around without her noticing?'

Someone tells me to flip the camera and just pretend I am taking a picture of my coffee.

I do so and when I do multiple people say how pretty she is.

'I know' I reply. 'I'll continue answering questions by comment if you have any more.'

Most of the comments are about if I'm going to ask the girl for her number.

Sometimes I look up at her again. She reads her book and sips her coffee and sometimes catches me staring at her. Every time I look back down at my phone quickly, blushing again.

After about 30 minutes she closes her book and puts it in her backpack, she stands up and pulls her backpack on. "Thank you," she calls out to the cashier, the woman nods and waves to her. She smiles at me one last time before leaving the coffee shop.

My mind tells me, Go ask her for her number! Hurry up! Go go go!

I quickly stand up and dash out of the coffee shop. The girl is only a couple feet away and I jog up to her. I tap her on the shoulder and she turns around to me.


"Hey, I know this is kind of weird but can get your number?"

She smiles at me, "Yeah sure." She swings her backpack around again and takes out a sharpie. She takes my wrist in her hand and writes her number on my wrist.

"My name is (Y/N)." She drops my wrist and closes her sharpie.

"I'm Aidan," I reply.

"That's a cool name."

"Thanks! Your name is pretty. Like you."

We both blush a deep red and laugh a little. "Thanks..."

"...I guess I'll talk to you later?" I ask holding up my wrist.

"Yeah... well bye, I guess!" She waves at me and starts to walk away.

"Bye!" I wave and watch her turn the corner.

When I can't see her anymore I run back inside the coffee shop and do a celebration dance. The cashier smiles and laughs at me.

"Sorry, sorry!" I say.

"It's fine."

I walk back over to my table and pick up my phone and show the screen the number written on my wrist.

"I got her number!" I almost yell in excitement.

Word count: 933

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