3.The Mystery How Bradley Survive

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Bella P.o.v

I know I was dreaming but this dream seemed so real. How...How is he still alive? I thought he died when he passed through the black hole. Is it possible that he survived...no impossible. The only reason I survived was because I wasn't from that world but he was. It doesn't make sense. When woke up everyone was around my hospital bed. I heard James voice, "come on you guys give her some room." I saw him smile. My leg is swore but don't remember the reason. He took my hand and asked, "are you okay, my lady?" What did he call me, my lady? Did he bump his head or something? Natsu came up to me, "you should know that James was the one who saved you from the creep." He said. "Actually about that..." No I shouldn't this is my problem I'll finish this myself. "It's nothing really don't worry about. I looked everyone but James looked worried. I know this is my fault, gosh what's reason I say don't worry? So dumb. Lucy and everyone else started leaving expect for James he stay for a little longer I'm sure he wants to ask me something. "What's bothering you James?" I ask him. "What is bothering me is wondering what bugging you." "It's nothing." I lie. No, I want know right now. James says. "It's personal," I turn to window to avoid any more questions. James turns to face me. "Is that guy from another world and you didn't finish what you were suppose to do." What the heck, it sounds like he's been through this. Maybe I should tell him. "I know him he tortured me in the world before I came here." James eyes widened as I told him the whole story. "Can't believe he did is to girl and you say that he mind-controlled you. He quite a monster." "He's here now, I going found him and knock some sense into him."

James P.o.v

What is the reason Bella is acting this way I just want help her. "Look, I just want help..." "No, stay out of it!" I moved back and she saw the way I reacted. "I'm sorry I didn't mean yell, it's just personal." I had no idea this was so bothering her so much. I took deep breathe, "okay let me help you then." "WHAT!!! No, told you this personal, I'm doing this on my own." "Yeah but if had back up it might helpful." She looked at me and she starting crying. "Okay, thanks. As wiped her tears someone knocked on her door. They came in, the group of fairy tail. "How are you Bella?" Lucy asked. "I'm good, is there problem?" "No, I just wanted to know if you wanted to stay at my house until you have to get home?" "Sure... Wait who told you?" "When you fell asleep James told everything." She turns to look at and I smile. "I try keep low profile when end up in world that not my, you shouldn't said anything. Everytime that happens people in this world get hurt and my fault. Lucy sat next her, "look we want help you while you're still here." I put my hand her shoulder as tears starting falling again and everyone gave her hug.

Bella P.o.v

I was Lucy's house (" it's cute") I saw mirror and looked at myself. I have dark straight hair and dark eyes I still have my real skin colour. Lucy sent to bedroom that was very colourful. The walls were painted with rainbow colours. "I like it." "Great because it's your." Lucy says. I put my hands over mouth. "Really?" I took another look around and I smiled. "Thank you, this will help me." I think everyone want to help out with this okay, won't push them back.

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